Thursday, January 2, 2014

SO Here I Am Again….

Happy January 2nd 2014!

That is just so weird to say 2014….WOW that is a LOT of years. I can remember when I was in elementary school and we had to write the year on our papers and I remember just going from one year to the next once freaking me out and I said I don't want to be here in the year 2000 that would just be weird they will probably have space ships and aliens roaming around. Well thankfully God allowed me to still be here cause look what I would have missed. All the people I have met since the 70s and having the opportunity to jot down my thoughts and likes and dislikes….whatever comes to mind I can put on here and HOPEFULLY people will read it. And like it… 

BUT like it or not I am putting it all out there.

I have an acquaintance/friend I am not sure what to say here… how about this… there is this lady I took a writing class with she has a blog Barefoot in the Nettles…she writes very well I read her stuff sometimes and think you just made this up? Really? Your mind just works like that huh? WOW! NOW I will say her stuff is not for little children or even PG 13. This is GROWN FOLK writings and although I can write like that…I ain't made at her!  AND she is not a poke in the eye men. BUT I think she is married…sorry!!!! Check it out some of you may like it. I think all writers should be able to express themselves in the way that captures the readers and draws them in, I hope I do that I am sure that Marybeth does…NOT saying I condone it or whatever it is just good writing!

See ya when I see ya! 



1 comment:

  1. Mattie,
    Thank you so much for such a heart felt, honest and wonderful review of my blog. I agree that we all have our own writing styles and I enjoy reading all sorts of blogs. Yes, most of my stuff is made up and it is fun to write. I thoroughly enjoy reading your life experiences, your persepctive and how it has enriched your life. I think, "how would I have dealt with that" and in a way I come away with a new perspective. Your grace and acceptance of each situation is amazing...keep wrtiting!
