Monday, January 6, 2014

I Got Nothing…..

Hello People!

How the heck are you doing? I am working on this blogging I am on what day 6…six days in a row…BUT I got nothing! 

I am sitting here watching this show on the Food Network called "Mystery Diners". They bring in these hidden cameras to restaurants and secret guest, like secret shopper, to  check out what the staff is doing. It is a way to keep an eye on your staff when you get are getting too many complaints from customers. They showed this delivery driver eating the customers food and then when she refused the order because it wasn't right he called her a BITCH! WOW….seriously dude?! Your fat ^&% is eating the customers food and then you got the nerve to be getting mad at the customers.  This is funny on the one hand and on the other hand it makes you want to not own a business. If you can't trust your employees who can you trust? It is sad when you think about all the people who are looking for a job and can't find one, then you have people who have jobs and just screw their employer…just cause they can. WOW!!

What is even more sadder than this…is when you have an employer who screws their good employees for an employee who is just trying to get over! You need to know the difference!!!

See ya when I see ya!



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