Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Night….

It is Friday Night…

I just got paid…I didn't but for purposes of this post I will just say that…I think there was a song about that in the 80s maybe the 90s….Friday night…I just paid…party jumping feeling right….booty shaking all around….I JUST GOT PAID!!! Then the music would escalate into a good stomping the floor beat!!!

80s and the 90s were 'the good ole days'!!! Good music and good movies…then we moved on to the years starting with 2---, sadly that's when things starting going to hell in a hand basket! With pretty corners on the wrapping paper AND wrapped with a bow!!! I was wondering how long will it last and how long will it go on…I feel sorry for the kids that born and being raised during this time, who will teach them right from wrong? Who will teach them how to work hard for things and that everything does not come instantly sometimes you have to wait for things. AND good things come to those who wait. This day and age you want something and presto-bingo there it is! You want to know something…GOOGLE it! No more going to the library and using the 'Dewy' decimal system. They probably don't even teach about that system in school anymore. No more learning to add in your head quickly or otherwise, cause now-a-days calculators are allowed in math class. In fact I think calculators are part of the school supplies that you have to bring when you go to school isn't it? I was pleased to see that my niece was practicing her cursive writing…I had heard that they stopped teaching that, so it was a pleasant surprise to see her write her name. 

How far into the 2000s will we go do you think? Will we become so advanced in our technology that we won't have to do anything for ourselves anymore? I mean will we be able to think…'I am hungry I want some'…and POOF it appears…or scarier yet once you have the thought, then you feel full just like that and you have the sensation that you just ate whatever it is you were thinking about and you're actually full??!!!

I was talking to a friend today and she was telling me that her Uncle is having 'renal' problems…his kidneys are starting to shut down, he has HIV/AIDS and he has had it since the 70s or 80s, he was afforded some experimental treatment because he has a twin and they wanted to try somethings with genetics, transfusions and stuff so he got the best treatment there was! Paid for by your tax dollars. Now he is losing the battle with the failure of his kidneys and she was wondering if there were any options. This is the year of 2014…shouldn't there be some cures for AIDS and CANCER by now? Or for that matter the common cold? We have progressed in a LOT of things but it appears in some other things we are slow to make progress.

Are you excited about the future…I remember being in Elementary School saying I didn't want to be around for the year 2000. I am glad that I am here to see what has happened...Now that it is here there is so much to see and do…yet...

See ya when I see ya! 



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