Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 5… Random Thoughts or A.A.D.H.D.

Hello People!

I think this blogging is going to be hard to do everyday…nothing exciting happened today so I really don't have anything to tell you other than I ate too much…I had heart burn all night and I need a nap! BUT it's bedtime SO….

I checked the want ads and I see that the AG's office is now looking for a legal secretary. I hope those other people who interviewed for that position have jobs or gets jobs soon…

I was going to try my hand at making something up to post here but nothing comes to mind…oddly enough when something happens to me I can imagine all kinds of things happening as the outcome to the situation. BUT to sit here and make up a story….I GOT NOTHING!!!! Now that is a gift that I need to work on obtaining!

School starts tomorrow for the kids, and my niece has been sitting on GO since Christmas vacation started. She really likes school even though sometimes she goes out of her way to get sent home.  Since this vacation though I believe she is going to do well for the rest of the year. YAY school!! 

I was looking at Facebook a minute ago and they have a page on there regarding the history of Flagstaff and the snow of 1967 which had total of 83 inches of snow! Back when we were going to school it took almost an act of Congress to get a snow day from school…Now-a-days a flake falls and they call school off, what a racket!!! We have had a mild winter so far this year, BUT you never know when that one storm is going to roll in and wreak havoc. Like in 2010 when they shut down I-40 and had to declare a State of Emergency.  I remember a snow when I was little that was roof top to roof top. I remember my dad climbing up on the roof and shoveling the snow off so the roof wouldn't collapse…that was ONE of the rare occasions when we got a snow day from school!!!!:D)

Enjoy your first full week of January in the year 2014!!!! I am starting that 52 Week Savings Challenge by the time the end of the year comes you should have saved almost $1400! That's like found money!!! You do frivolous stuff with found money…hhhhmm what shall I do?! The way the savings challenge works is each week you 'save' that amount of money, i.e. week one you save $1, week two $2, week three $3 and so on and so on and so….and she'll tell two friends and they'll tell two friends and so on and so on and so on….SORRY! That A.D.D. random thoughts just take over when you least expect it.:D) HEY along with the savings challenge lets also do 52 weeks of random acts of kindness. Come on….let's DO IT!!!:D)

See ya when I see ya! 



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