Saturday, January 18, 2014


Hello People!

How the heck are you doing??!!!!! I hope y'all are doing well!

I missed blogging yesterday, I went to happy hour with a friend of mine and her friends, and got home to late to write…coherently!!!:D) Just kidding I have to far to drive to over indulge and there are too many large animals that can jump out at any time! Like elk or as my cousin's husband calls them…moose, deer, etc. OR even big piles of horse $%^&*!!!!

ANYWAY! I went to see my 'hair stylist' today to get my hair done and we were talking and it seems all our conversations centered around previous posts and blogs that I have written.   

It was weird as I don't believe she even knows I write a blog nor is she my friend on Facebook.  Or was it confirmation that as I thought…I am right!

She mentioned that over the holidays she had watched Shawshank Redemption with Morgan Freeman and after the movie they had a biography episode featuring Morgan Freeman.  She said that during the biography they showed Freeman doing an interview with Mike Wallace, and Mike Wallace said to him , "as a "Black" man…", she said Freeman said to Wallace "from now on I am going to start calling you a "White man"! Freeman said, "What does the color of my skin have to do with anything." Mr. Wallace then asked, "that is how society sees you so how do we get pass this then?" Mr. Freeman said "STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! That's how…" I said I agree. In order for something not to be a big deal you have to stop making a big deal out of it. She said yeah, it is just like the gay community they identify themselves by being a 'gay' whatever…Again I agree! Why is that your claim to fame…what else do you have to offer why is that the most important thing we need know about you? The conversation went on from there….I was thinking this is weird…or it just confirms what I have been saying for a while now.

Then we were talking about parents who raise their children but don't teach their children…so actually they are not really raising them they are just providing their needs with the exception of their moral, spiritual and emotional needs.  My hair dresser says she has a roommate who is in her 20s as a matter of fact I believe she turns 21 next week, her parents treated her like "a princess on a shelf". According to my hair dresser, the roommates parents didn't engage her, or interact with her or show her any affection they just gave her money. Now that they are roommates she has had to teach her little things, social things, she said that the roommate even asked her "do you think I should eat this or get something else????" My hair dresser said she told her I have no opinion on anything you are asking me, which upset the roommate because she thought she was saying she doesn't care. She went to explain to her that she needs to find value in her own opinions and choices! When you are asking someone what do they think about every thing you do...Basically that means you don't have enough confidence in yourself to choose anything or do anything…to believe that you can make a choice that is good for you. You want someone else to think for you that way when things don't work out you have someone to blame it on. Parents should go back to raising their children to have respect for themselves and their elders, confidence in their abilities and to be able to do things and make GOOD choices for themselves.  The conversation went on from there…I was in the chair for seven (7) hours so we had time for plenty of conversations...

Conversations are good things to have I think we need to get back to that…like visiting your neighbors and sitting down at the table talking to each other.

You can learn a lot in the salon chair…about people…gossip and you can also find out different ways to change positions when your butt falls asleep!!! 

Start a conversation with someone you will be surprised what you find out!

See ya when I see ya! 



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