Thursday, January 16, 2014


Hello People!

It is the 16th day of January in the year 2014 time appears to be picking up speed and the year just started. Enjoy your moments!!!:D)

I have a question.

Do you have a sexual preference? 

Do you think it is necessary to announce to the world every time someone chooses their sexuality? I mean do you hear or read about every heterosexual that is heterosexual? Do you hear about every virgin that is a virgin? Every celibate person that is celibate Do we need to know that??? Really…

So why do we have to know about every 'Gay' person that "comes out" or "comes out of the closet" or pops up out the cake or busts through the wall…shot out of a cannon whatever….Do we really need to know that???? Really….

Just wondering….

See ya when I see ya! 



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