Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy 85th Birthday DADDY!!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

I wish you had time for many more, but sadly your time has come and gone and now we celebrate the memory of you and wish that you were actually here. I bet if you were here momma would make you a coconut cake with lots of coconut probably 3 or 4 layers high….yellow cake, white frosting and toasted coconut just for you.  Everybody would be wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and asking you the same question you ask us…"How does it feel to be stumbling around on this earth for 85 years???!!!" I wish you were here to answer that question, but sadly you are not. You were here but a short while and now you are gone…are you able to see us here…what words of wisdom do you have for us…I can see you doing that silly dance you always did whenever Stevie Wonder was playing…I think your favorite was Superstition. Where is Superstitious…writing on the wall…where is superstitious letters 'bout to fall… Superstition ain't the way…hey hey…

Happy birthday to you…happy birthday to you…happy birthday dear Daddy! Happy birthday to you!!!

I wish you were here for the 25th Family Reunion, you were the reason we started having them …this year should the biggest one ever.  They have been changing the shirts every year, they are trying to switch them up…I have about 7 or 8 or them…I think I have one of your old ones too.  They have put together a Family Reunion Book of sorts it has all kinds of family information in there some going back to the 1800s…I wonder how far back it could go.  Grandma's birthday was December 30th, IF she was alive, and that's a BIG IF she would be 112. That would sound ridiculous to believe someone could be that old but oddly enough I don't think she would make the Guinness Book of records. 

I met a man a last year I think it was last year, and he said he worked with you and you were a good man! I think so too. I remember you walking in the snow to the store to buy groceries for us and walking back…we are talking walking about 5 miles 10 miles round trip back in the day when they measure snow in FEET and not inches…I don't think I ever said thanks. THANKS Dad for walking to the store…THANKS Dad for getting my arm out of the washing machine…THANKS Dad for daddy Saturdays of pot pies or foot long hot dogs…THANKS Dad for dancing around the kitchen with Mom even though she would pretend like she didn't want to. THANKS DAD for being my Dad. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And many more!!!!

See ya when I see ya! 



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