Sunday, January 19, 2014

Childhood Memories…..

What's up people! How the heck are you doing? I hope this finds you well and in good health!!!

It is past my bedtime but I thought I would jot these notes down…

Today we had Chalupa for dinner and Cheesecake for dessert…as I was preparing the 'New York' style cheesecake made in my new springform pan (this is only the second time I have used it…) I started thinking about the holidays when we were little. My mom would be in the kitchen for days cooking cakes, pies, cookies, etc.  She never let us help her she would always tell us to get out of her damn kitchen!!  She said that even when my dad told us to go help her…"Y'all gals go help your momma in the kitchen".  BUT we always got sent away….SAD! 

I have a knack for cooking and I am pretty good at it, if I do say so myself.  And while I was cooking I remembered this one Thanksgiving I think? Might have been Christmas... my mom's friend Marge had sent her son over to the house to borrow some chicken broth or chicken stock…something to do with chicken. He came over in Marge's new car, and where we lived there was a corner you had to go around and then a dip as you were leaving the housing development that we lived in. As he turned the corner the 'chicken' stuff spilled and fell on the floor, and I suppose out of instinct he just immediately grabbed for it and drove off the side of the road into the 'canyon'!!! It was crazy! Everybody in Brannen Homes was talking about that for a LONG time especially since Marge's husband had just bought her that car! He was okay obviously he was scared/shook up after driving off the road, but he had no injuries.  I don't think you could say the same for the car though. Those were the days when you could go to your neighbor or friends' house and 'borrow' food, or seasoning, or Kool-Aid… "go down to Ms. Annie T.'s and ask her if she has some…" go around to Ms. Mary Graham's and get me some…" You could always go to the neighbors for stuff….OR go to the 'Little Sto' and get it from Jalisco!!! Good neighbors and good food makes for good childhood memories!

I am going to be selling my house hopefully…actually the best scenario would be that I get to keep this house AND get another in town. I want a house with a big kitchen and a good size pantry, we had a pantry when I was growing up. You can keep lots of stuff in there AND it is a good place to hide at least it was when I was a kid.  Get me a good size kitchen with plenty of counter space there is no telling what kind of memories I can make!!!:D)

See ya when I see ya!



1 comment:

  1. My mom was the same way...would not let us help in the kitchen. Its a wonder I learned to cook at all!
