Saturday, January 4, 2014

Just Going Through The Motions

Hello People!

I am still blogging…this makes number 4…hopefully I will keep having things to blog about since I haven't quite mastered the skill of making things up.

ANYWAY…this occurred to me the other day. I applied for a job at the Attorney General's Office, I got an interview and although I thought I sucked during the interview process, I have subsequently found out I didn't. YAY ME! Anyway…I had seen on the news that they are not going to extend the unemployment insurance payments to those people who have been unemployed for a long period of time, I think they said they are going to have about six more months of payments and that is it. I also heard or the radio or saw it on the news that employers are not going to be hiring people who have been unemployed for a long period of time, no matter what the reason. SAD, why yes it is. The current economic situation is not something that people have any control over. I know everybody wants to blame the President, more so because of his Race than his ability as the President but I don't think it is his fault either. I think people in general or as a whole got greedy and the 'bubble' that we were previously existing in couldn't sustain the false growth…you know how you blow up a balloon and you see it has a weak spot in it but you keep blowing anyway until it pops in your face?! Yeah that was the United States prior to the crash and here we are…. BUT I digress!

As I said I applied for the job, interviewed and found out that I did not get the job. Officially I haven't been told yet, but I was told by someone who should know, that the job went to someone else. The reason this person got the job over me is because they have been working as at the AG's Office for the past 10 years and they felt obligated to give her a chance and not ignore the face that she has put in 10 years of service already. I can understand that. Loyalty is something that should be rewarded whether by your employer or in a relationship. The sad part is that those who are applying for these jobs end up participating in a exercise in futility! I guess employers are obligated to post the job openings and go through the motions, while knowing that they already have someone in mind that they are going to give the job too. But what about that person who got their hopes up? There was a job at the Superior Court that I wish I had applied for too, I know the Judge and I had convinced myself that had I applied for the job I would have gotten it. BUT I went to a party the other day and was talking to a Court Reporter and asked her what Judge she worked for, she told me and I mentioned the position for the Judicial Assistant and she said yeah that was rigged. They already had someone in mind they were going to give the job too, who as in the case of the AG's office, worked for the Court already and she got the job.  It is sad that people in need of jobs see a potential job that they know they can do, they go through the motions of applying and perhaps even get an interview, only to have the job go to someone else. Then hopefully they don't find out as I did, but no doubt at some point they find out that the job went to someone else. SAD! I am not that upset about the position at the AG's office as I wasn't sure it was something I would be able to do once they told me what it entailed. Now don't get me wrong the job itself is something I could do, that is why I applied. It is just that the job dealt with people accused of child abuse…I wasn't sure if I could deal with that or not. Especially since I was told I would be front line to see the graphic pictures and children affected by the abuse. I don't know if I could handle that…I would like to think I could with the motivation being I am helping this child get justice by putting the ASSHOLE behind bars…BUT seeing such negativity I am sure at some point would take its toll. 

I have a job and the attorney I work for told me I could work there as long as I wanted too...I hope that the people out there looking for a job are afforded to the opportunity to get a job as well and stop exercising in a process that will not end in employment. I hope the employers who are posting these positions out there take into consideration that every person who has been unemployed for a long period of time may not be someone taking advantage of the system. AND THINK perhaps that these people have been trying to better themselves, but unfortunately they just haven't be given a break. I pray that GOD opens doors for those in need and that the break you are looking for comes sooner than you think.

See ya when I see ya! 



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