Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 May It Bring Us New Eyes To See!!!

Hey People ! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

I hope that you all had a fabulous 2013 and that 2014 is better than you expected.  I hope that BLESSINGS run you down and take you over. BLESSINGS that you never thought possible and those that you thought were unattainable!!! To put it simply I hope and pray that this year, 2014, you are BLESSED!

I have said it in my mind that I am going to write these daily blogs, I know, I know I have said it before but I have a feeling that this year there will be something that I have an urge to blog about on a daily basis. SERIOUSLY!:D)

This year is starting off kind of odd…where I live there is usually snow and LOTS of it, but the ground today is sparsely white…just spotty in places and the mountains that are usually covered in white, look in the distance to be a dark blue with white spots here and there. Odd. This year started off with a new moon…new moon…new year….new possibilities…new opportunities…new life!

I have been told that this year we'll have two 'Blood Moons' the first on April 4, 2014 which is also the beginning of the Jewish Passover and on October 8, 2014 which is the Feast of the Tabernacles another Jewish holiday.  These 'Blood Moons' will appear again in 2015 on April 4, 2015 and September 28, 2015 again on Jewish holidays.  I have read that some believe the coincidence of this is too much to be actual coincidence but more Biblical…"For example, when it happened in 1493 and 1494 Jews were expelled from Spain. The blood moons in 1949 and 1950 came right after the nation of Israel was assembled, giving the Jews a homeland for the first time in thousands of years. And in 1967 and 1968 it was linked to the Six-Day War. “This is something that just is beyond coincidental,” Hagee told Fox. He explained that the prophecies in the Bible note that when the sun refuses to shine – and a solar eclipse is expected in the 2014-2015 time frame – and the moon will be turned to blood, then man’s redemption draweth near."

Interesting. I am sure you all will have something to say about John Hagee but Hagee is inconsequential to point. When reading the book of Revelation it talks about all these things that will happen in the 'end times'…signs and wonders.  Do you think this is the generation that will see the return of Christ? Do you believe in Christ? Do you believe that this world will remain or will it pass away and something new be put in its place? I look at it this way I believe what the Bible says if I am wrong what does it costs me? A couple of "friends"? Then they weren't really friends then if my firm belief in something was enough to make them leave. I don't try to force my beliefs on anyone I just tell you what I believe, what you believe is on you.  Or some pissed off people? I like that….if I can piss you off then that means you have strong convictions of your own and when challenged you are vulnerable enough to be emotional about them, but yet solid enough to hold onto your beliefs.  I like it!!! On the opposite side of the coin though, what if what I believe is right? Look at what I have to gain! Are you willing to die in your beliefs and accept whatever happens once the slow singing and flower bringing is done? Do you think this is it and that is all there is? What if its not…Just something to think about…or not…choices we all have them.

Anyway…the reason I wanted to blog today was...I was listening to the TV I like background noise what can I say.  It comes from living alone for 16 years and not having a reason to open my mouth for hours at a time, and then when I did it was only to eat.  BUT I digress…I was listening to the TV and I heard this promo for the show 'Being Mary Jane' on BET, that's Black Entertainment Television for those of you that don't know. Anyway, during the promo this man says "I came out!" And Mary Jane says to him with no look of surprise on her face and matter-a-factly "Gay is the new Black…" I pushed the back button and played it again to make sure that I heard it correctly and yeah that is what she said…WOW!! Gay is the new Black…. I was speechless I still am. I am sure that some of you have seen my posts on Facebook regarding the recent Phil Robertson fiasco and the Gay and Black controversey…this has been a point of contention recently and now it appears that it is what a joke...WOW! 

I am hoping that 2014 is an eye opener for all of us.

See ya when I see ya!



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