Saturday, January 11, 2014


Hello People!

Here is a simple blog…basically it will be my journal for today.  

Saturday, January 11, 2014...I have to get up early so I can drive an hour to see my niece play basketball, that starts at 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning…really???!!!. OH JOY AND RAPTURE!!!

I get up at 7:30….NOT GOOD! See I don't have to just get myself together…I have to get my sister AND myself together in the midst of Gary talking about how YOU over slept again! You always over sleep when you have something important to do!!! I don't understand how you do that…you know you have to get up and yet you hit the snooze button or don't set your alarm at all! I told you last night to set the alarm….this is about the time when my eyes roll up in the back of my head and I picture someone choking and gasping for air…then it is quiet!!! Aaaahhhh silence is golden…golden…..that's a song isn't it?! Anyway…I digress…

SO I leave the house at 8:10 or 8:15 this is not good I am going to be late and you know my car only goes 65 well actually it is more like 63 miles per hour. UNLESS you want to hear that noise it makes you push it past that point….ttttttwwaaaaaannnnnnngggggggg……ttttttttwwwwwaaaaannnnnngggggg! I finally get to the school…they have just started playing so I didn't miss much. My niece is on the court…now I am 6'2", her dad is about 6'5"and for an 8 year old she is pretty tall so chances are she is going to be in the WNBA. NOT! I played basketball, I was pretty good I always 'fouled' out in the first quarter because when I put my hands up to block, I would BLOCK out the sight of the other girls and since the ref couldn't see them he ASSUMED I was fouling them! Is it my fault that the girls were short and even with their hands up they were maybe 5'8??? No it's not!…Anyway...her dad played basketball he was good but he went into the military instead so what are you going to do. I don't think she likes playing basketball BUT because she is tall you know…(NOTE TO YOU PIGMENTLY CHALLENGED PEOPLE…JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE BLACK or AFRICAN AMERICAN and TALL DOES NOT MEAN YOU PLAY BASKETBALL OR PLAYED BASKETBALL OR EVEN LIKE IT…just saying') Back to the story…

My niece is on the court, they match the kids up as closely as possible to a kid on the other team who is equal in height….the teams consist of boys and girls and they play 8 minute quarters. My niece is guarding her man…she has him behind her and her arms are stretched out to her sides so that no ball can't get by her, she is intense and confused…. throughout the entire game she is playing DEFENSE!!! DEFENSE when the other team has the ball….DEFENSE when her team has the ball…DEFENSE is the word for the day for her! Dribble…NO! Hands up! NO! Can I get a little hustle…NO!!! DEFENSE is all you are going to get! The ball was dropped at her feet…she put her arms down and picked it up and ran down the court for two points! JUST KIDDING!!! She didn't pick it up and the other team got it and they ran down the court and scored two points. DEFENSE…she spent some time on the bench after that one….when the game was over we had a little talk…I showed her how to dribble low center so they can't knock the ball away from you. HEAD UP watching the court looking where you are going….then Ms. Davis told me stop dribbling the ball. I had to do what she said since she is my elder and also she was one of my neighbors growing up…I think she still has cart blanc to whoop my butt…my mom gave it to ALL the neighbors when we were little, so if they see us doing something wrong they could WHOOP ASS!  SO since she shut me down...I will work with her at another time. I also told my niece that if she wants me to get up EARLY on a Saturday to come and watch her play…I am going to need a little hustle!!!

I go to the grocery store to pick up a couple things and as I am putting the things in the car this lady comes up to me and she says, "I know you don't I? You are friends with Pat and Donna." I said I am sorry I don't even know who Pat and Donna are. "What is your name?" I said Mattie. "THEN IT IS YOU! You are the one that was at Pat and Donna's party for their son when he graduated high school!"  Okay…yeah that was me (in my head I am saying just don't make direct eye contact and don't make any sudden moves and MAYBE she will go away…) Then she said I knew it! You were at their house on____street…I said OH! You mean Jacque and Pat!!! Either way I was just going to agree cause she was very adamant that she knew me and that I knew Pat and Donna!  You never want to stir the crazy when it is staring you in the face…

I get home and I want to take a nap but my sister decides that this is the time for her to touch EVERYTHING and make all kinds of NOISE and just be excited about life…WHY???!!! Cause I want a nap...

I am tired and want to go bed now or at least take a nap!!!!

See ya when I see ya! 



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