Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This is why you should not use crack....

Just a little note on something that happened today which confirms the well known knowledge that you shouldn't use crack...

I had to go to the school/day program where my sister goes during the day for a meeting. They have these meetings annually and the State comes in to do a review. My mom was suppose to be there but she sent my sister, the twin instead. I think I should be able to stop there and say enough said...BUT I will go on. SO we go into the meeting and the State is trying to assess where my sister is at and what she may be in need of, how things are going, etc. During this process the twin feels the need to entertain my other sister (her twin) by making her laugh, LOUDLY! Then my sister gets all riled up and starts grabbing things and she takes the papers from her teacher/staff person and proceeds to rip them up...LOUDLY! MEANWHILE the lady from the State is trying to do her job while all this is going on. I am trying to maintain and NOT reach across the table and SMACK the twin! I am giving dirty looks and saying hey, HEY, HEY! It don't matter the twin just keeps on playing the nut roll... SO now we come to the part where the State asks questions about my sister, like: How is she doing? I understand she was hurt, has she healed up from that? How did she get hurt? I look at the twin and say, you want to field those questions? She had no response... I answer the questions as best I can because I wasn't here I don't know how it happened. SO then the twin gives my sister a pen and some paper for her to draw on... then I hear these comments from the twin, "Write right here that T stinks like boo boo!" Now I am putting T here so as not to use anyone's name but my own... T is my sister's teacher/staff person during the day. Needless to say that T looks up at the twin and gives her a look of OH NO YOU DIDN'T! THEN the twin says, "Write over here that Mattie smells like boo boo..." I am looking at her like I will kill you...DEAD! NOW! I say in a calm voice with a pen in my hand...I will stab you! She just laughs and keeps doing what she is doing... The insanity doesn't stop there... the lady from the State says, "It says here that your sister doesn't like to be reprimanded, to be told no, etc...she then says is there anything else she doesn't like?" The twin chimes in, "This meeting." WTH! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! You can't be that crazy...BUT apparently she is... SO the meeting goes on and I am trying to hear but the noise level is high and I am pretty sure that the lady from the school heard NOTHING as she was sitting next to the twins and they were in rare form!!!! I was sitting there mouth open at the twins behavior and saying to myself ooooohhhhh I am going to pop that little nigglet (the twin) when I get to the nuthouse! I mean we are going to have a misunderstanding and furniture will be moving. Then BEFORE the meeting is over the twin stands up and says, "I have to go I have things to do..." WOW what you should do is leave that crack alone!!!! Now I don't believe that she is really on crack but as Whitney Houston says, "Crack is whack" and her behavior was whack ssssoooo.....

SERIOUSLY! Why would you come to a meeting and act like that. My sister is mentally handicapped and when she became 18 years of age or in other words an adult she became a 'ward' of the State. Don't ask me why that is just what happened... now as a ward of the State it is the States job to look after her best interests and make sure she is taken care of. Needless to say that when you are in a meeting with the State you should probably make sure that you don't give the State a reason to take a closer look at you!

Long story short...I am telling momma when she gets home!!!!

Peace! Mattie

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