Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's a RAT!!!!! That is pack rat to you!

Here is another story sent to my friends back in May 2004, while Gary was out of town again... for awhile Gary left as often as he could...I wonder why??? Safety reasons I am sure! For those of you that are scary or gross out easily you may not want to read this. Just letting you know...

I know you are all gone home by now but this is the first chance I had to get on here and email... busy day! I hate credit balances!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, how was your weekends? Mine was cool until yesterday when I came back from the grocery store and was unloading the car.... Daisy, you just got to love that dog, found or caught or picked up a dead RAT! There was no mistaking this thing... the last thing she caught or whatever I couldn't really tell what is was, but this thing was blackish gray and had a long tail! I called Gary and told him we have a situation here cause Daisy's dumb ass is bringing me dead shit again! (I thought cats were suppose to bring their masters little rewards no one said dogs had this trait too!) SO we sit on the phone for 5 minutes arguing about me picking up the rat... HELL NO! I am not doing it... HELL NO! Kiss my... Gary says fine then it will just lay there and flies will gather and maggots and all sorts of shit will come and all because you are being childish just get the shovel and get it up! .... SO at dusk I get the shovel I figure if I can't see it that would be good... then I took some dirt to throw over it to cover it in case I accidentally look in that direction... I was throwing dirt on the side of this thing... behind this thing... everywhere but on it... so I said FUCK IT! I poke around until I get it on the shovel and then I start to run across the field with it on the shovel yelling EEEEWWWWW EEEEEWWWWWW EEEEEWWWWWWW all the way across the field to the burn barrel....NOW Grandpa George and his girlfriend bought us a weather vein for our garage, you know the big one with the rooster on it and the arrows pointing N, S, etc...well the rooster fell off the roof of the garage....I tripped on it when I was running with the rat! The rat went flying and so did the expletives... I had to get the rat back on the shovel and keep running... Now there is a box on the garage with a thing turning that says...N and S but the E and W is gone.... looks kind of stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!. AND now that disgusting vile (how do you spell that) creature is in the burn barrel which I have to throw paper in everyday.....GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gary says look at it this way at least we know the poison I put out is working so that is one less thing to worry about later! YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!! I really hate it when Gary goes out of town.

Peace! Mattie

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