Sunday, August 30, 2009

Okay so now what....

Hello People!

How is every little thing? I hope this blog finds you well. I got to come up with a catchy opening for this blog I use to say how is every little thing when I was bombarding my friends with emails but this is blogging so I will have to work on a new opener. ANYWAY it has been a long weekend my sister was sick so we stayed at home Friday instead of going to the 'big' small town! I have a cramp in my arm and hand from playing bejeweled blitz on Facebook ALL weekend long... I gotta get a life! I did go horseback riding/walking on Friday and a tractor show on Saturday does that count as a life? I didn't think so. The horse tried to brush me off during the ride/walk he made a point of walking as close as possible to every object, which in this case were trees, as he could so I would get brushed or rubbed as we went by. I think he wanted me off his back?! I don't know maybe it was the 80+ degrees we were in??? The horse in front of me stopped and took a dump, if you have never seen that DON'T! The horses smelled...they smelled bad I have never been on horses that smelled before not even when I rode in 100+ temps! BUT it was a nice ride in the pines and you would be amazed what you can see while riding/walking on a horse. You would also be surprised how strong your thighs are when you have use them to hold onto a horse that wants you off!!!

SO speaking of getting a life, I have a second interview on Monday (tomorrow) with the attorney I interviewed with a couple of weeks ago. They are taking me to lunch, isn't that special! I have been told that lunch interviews should be done like dates, no food that affects your breath and avoid food that can get stuck in your teeth. SO no Caesar salad with anchovies or spinach dip. I never heard back from the County so I ass-u-me they hired someone else...wait a minute and I will be surprised! BUT I could be wrong. YEAH right...okay that was amusing.:P)

Gary had some people come over just a little bit ago to look at his van that has been sitting for the past four (4) years on the corner of the property. It has rabbits living in the engine and maybe some on the inside too...probably pack rats who knows what all is living in that thing. He wants to GIVE it to this kid so he can have a way to get his business started doing re-upholstery (is that how you spell that?) cars and painting them. Gary said he told me these people were coming but I don't remember that conversation and when they showed up I had my pajamas on and my hair was sticking up all over my head. The sad part is that when I ran upstairs to try and comb/brush my hair down it wouldn't lay down! It is a good thing I have a HUGE selection of hats! I threw one on and came down stairs to find Gary introducing these people (all men, Grandfather, son and grandson) to my sister. My sister is mentally handicapped but you can't tell it by looking at her, the only thing she can't do is talk. ANYWAY...he is introducing her to these people and my sister makes a bee line for the grandpa of the group she puts this man in a choke hold, a headlock kind of thing and presses his face into her breast. This man is wearing bottle cap glasses and he is bent over and frail. I am thinking OH MY GOD she is going to kill him! WHY? I don't know why she took a 'liking' to him she just did. I tried to get her away from him and she strong armed me and jerked away and went right back for his head! HELP ME! Finally I got her away from him and I took her to the couch and SAT on her until they left! I was thinking okay now what do I do if she hurts this man...we are in the middle of no where and the hospital is 45 miles away...will he make it that far if she hurts him? Jeez my nerve! THANK GOD they all made it out alive and they may even take the van. I don't know.

I hope you all enjoy your week there is a three (3) day weekend coming up so enjoy it!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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