Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Here is an observation for you...

This is a story I sent my friends back in July of 2008...I have some interesting observations don't I?!

HEY! Have you ever noticed…….

What is up people it has been really quiet on here lately just the occasional forward but no chit chat… don’t tell me you guys are “allegedly” busy?! I will accept that from the one person listed on here who is an attorney but the rest of you….PLEASE!

I have stories to tell but right now I have an observation… have you ever noticed that when you have to go to the bathroom… really… REALLY bad how your misfortune of having a bathroom emergency sends an invisible signal to the bathroom gods and the toilet either overflows or the shit won’t go down? I hate that! The other observation or comment I have is this… I went to Subway yesterday don't go there...just kidding… ANYWAY... I go into Subway and I order a sandwich and I am standing in line waiting to pay and this lady comes up to me all timid and kind of nervous and she asked me, “Do you know who is singing this song?” Now at this particular time my mind was somewhere else so I didn’t even hear any music because I was wondering why the workers in Subway insist on counting the items they put on your sandwich? I mean I can understand them rationing the meat portion but… I asked for pickles on my sandwich and she put two on and I am thinking what the @#%*! Are you kidding me you are going to charge me $6 or $7 bucks for this sandwich and only give me two pickles, two tomatoes and a sprinkle of lettuce and ONE ring from the onions… get the @#%* out of here! BUT I digress… so I look DOWN at the woman and I said what… “The song do you know who sings it?” Now my thought is what the hell are you asking me for? I guess you think because Black people are good dancers they are also up on the latest music…SERIOUSLY…. So I then tune my ears into the music playing and hell I don’t know… they were singing what about love don’t you want it to do or be or maybe they were saying what about love don’t you care… I said well I think its Celine Dion?! I figured it was a good guess since Celine has sung just about every song made at some point in time… The lady looks at her daughter and says “honey she says it is Celine Dion too, so that MUST be who it is… I was right.” I guess because I said it that makes it so… SO then I say no wait a minute it could be Hart or Heart(I don’t know how they spell it)… you know those sisters who formed a group… the lady’s face lights up with the look you get when you realize something or your memory becomes clear… “THAT’S IT!” The lady goes on to explain that her daughter is taking piano lessons and she wanted to get the music to the song so she could learn to play it… I just do my polite smile and move over to the drink dispenser and think to myself the neon weirdo light is obviously flashing on my forehead again… I hate when it comes on and I don’t know it’s on until I am accosted by some nut job!!!!!!!!!! And YES there were other people in Subway she could have asked…

Okay I will send you my Oregon stories later… I have to do some things for B since he is taking the day off tomorrow to spend with his daughter for her birthday… and he wants it done NOW… but you know when he left for the CLE by the Sea and vacation and was gone for 10 days and I needed something it was like oh well but when he wants something it’s a NOW kind of thing… BOY please!

PEACE! Mattie

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