Sunday, August 9, 2009

Is this an Abbott and Costello routine....Seriously

Here is a story I sent my friends back in May of 2007....this is a good example of how I like to entertain my friends with things that happen to me....CRAZY things that happen to me....

Well as some of you know I have been working at the Chamber of Commerce this week..... HELP ME! Anyway I get to help people find their way to the Grand Canyon, Sedona, the Indian ruins, etc.... YEAH its a thrill a minute.

Today a lady came in and she spoke broken English with a Spanish accent and she said, "We want some information on how to find that place where sumting' fell out of the sky.... you know sumting' fell out of the sky now there is a hole there...." I said oh .......Meteor Crater is that what you mean? Meteor Crater! SERIOUSLY! Something fell out of the sky.... WHAT?!

But the funniest thing that I have had so far is this lady who spoke perfectly good English and lives in Snotsdale (Scottsdale) who called and wanted information (I think she was blonde). She said, "I want to know about some hotels there in Flagstaff that are close so when we get up and get ready we can be on our way to Sedona, can you tell me the name of some hotels?" I said SURE! We have the Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta Inn, and the Hilton. (I know these are the more expensive hotels BUT when working at the chamber you can only recommend people/companies who are members of the chamber of commerce...who knew?!) She said "Okay so the last time we were there we went up this real winding road, is the road real winding up there?" I said well if you come up through Oak Creek that road is winding, BUT if you come up I-17 it is only a few curves around the Bumble Bee area and maybe a couple of other spots. She said, "Oh okay so if we come up I-17 which hotels are there that are close to stay in that will be on our way to Sedona?" I said Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta Inn, and the Hilton. She said, "Okay I have heard about the Hampton Inn do you have a Hampton Inn?" I said yes we do but it is on the other side of town in the opposite direction of where you want to be. She said, "Okay so the Hampton Inn is on the other side of town? about how far is that..." I said yes it is on the other side of town 6 or 10 miles in the opposite direction of where you want to go.

Lady: "SO if we come up I-17 what would be the closet hotels?"

ME: Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta Inn, and the Hilton.

Lady: "SO if we come up through Sedona, which hotels are the closest hotels?"

ME: Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta Inn, and the Hilton.

Lady: "The Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta Inn, and the Hilton are the closest hotels on your way to Sedona?"

ME: Yes.

Lady: "If we come from I-17 Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta Inn, and the Hilton are the closest hotels and if we come up from Sedona Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta Inn, and the Hilton are the closet hotels....."


After about 3 or 4 rounds of this I am thinking what is this an Abbott and Costello routine? Have you ever heard that routine Who's on First? Who's on First? What's on Second..... I Don't Know! I wanted to scream THIRD BASE!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is my last day.... yes there is a God! I got a call today from Kelly Services they had a special request, requesting that I come back to one of the previous employers I have been to! Isn't that special! They called now to book me ahead of time and make sure they got me. The job doesn't even start until the 18th of June.... DAMN I am good!

Okay its late and I have to be back at the Chamber tomorrow, bright eyed and bushy tailed so.....

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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