Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday and NASCAR...gotta love it!

This story was brought to you back in November of still insights fear when I think about it....

Anyway...we go to the NASCAR race and I decide to wear my Longhorns t-shirt that I got in Houston because my Jr. shirt somehow was TOO TIGHT! Heinekens... I tell ya! I also figured that wearing the "Hook 'em horns" shirt would be no big deal. WRONG!

I am standing in line at the Jr. trailer waiting to buy some stuff and I hear this HEY! I look up and there is this man standing there with his hand up making the international signal for longhorns... Now this gesture is made kind of like making the Hawaiian aloha sign you know your pinkie finger and your thumb are extended outwards and you shake them back and forth.... well for longhorns you do the same you put the pinkie finger out and the index finger out while using your thumb to hold down the two middle fingers....YYYYeeeeeeee HHHHHHHHaaaaaaaa!!! Help me!!! I am caught in some realm of hell I had no idea existed.

SO I get my Jr. stuff and I go to my seat and after a few laps I go outside and stand, it's a courtesy thing most people just smoke in their seats in the stands I go to speak... WRONG ANSWER! I am walking back inside and this man, I have no idea who he is walks up to me and smiles and proceeds to hold my hand. I am not talking about you know he took my hand in his and held it...NO this man clasped his fingers into my fingers and started walking with me swinging hands back and forth and smiling... WHY? Because of the freakin ' longhorn shirt! He said, "how did they do last night?" I got this deer in the headlights look on my face and I am thinking if I talk slowly and don't make any sudden moves perhaps he won't hurt me! I said they didn't do to well. He said with a disappointed look on his face, "that is too bad I know Michigan didn't do to well either and that is a shame." I shook my head and pleaded with my eyes please let go of my hand! He walked away, AFTER we knocked knuckles as some kind of camaraderie or something... "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want... Yea, though I walk the valley of the shadow of death..." HELP ME! Is it over...NO! I went to get a scanner list so we could hear the drivers over our radio and as I am walking a man grabs my arm... "you are the third person I have seen with a longhorn shirt on!" Insert the longhorn sign here! I smile and pick up the pace....

After a few more laps of racing I go back out and down to the trailers to do some more shopping cause seriously they were selling Jr.'s stuff for $3 and $5 bucks! T-shirts, hats, jackets... HELLO! Anyway, I was looking for something for Gary's daughter's son and I was looking at Earnhardt Sr.'s trailer and I couldn't find anything so I turn to go back to Jr.'s trailer and guess what....YUP as I turn around I get stopped again this time by the Sheriff! He said, "Did you actually go to that school or are you just wearing the shirt?" I am thinking if I take off this shirt here and now would you leave! I said I graduated from there in 1987, he graduated in 1997... I said AAAhhhh you are just a baby and I walked away... I don't even know where the University of Texas is... I mean I know its in Texas but what city... I DON'T KNOW!

Note to self.... NEVER WEAR MY TEXAS SHIRT TO A NASCAR RACE AGAIN!!!!!!!!! It brings out the real Bubbas!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!!!!! Mine was filled with Bubbas and Jr. stuff!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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