Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cutomer Service...whatever happened to it???

I sent this in June of 2008....BOY don't you just miss customer service or should I say GOOD customer service!

Hello People!

It is only 3 count them THREE days until my birthday! Aren’t you excited! SO what did you get me?! COOL I like that…..

Let me tell you this story…

I called Dish Network yesterday to see what they would give me as a loyal customer being with their company for the past FIVE years! APPARENTLY THE SHAFT! ANYWAY…. I call the 800 or 888 number and I get “Bradley” on the line… now mind you when you call this number you will be speaking to someone over in India…or Pakistan or somewhere over in the middle east! NOTHING IS MORE ANNOYING THAN CALLING “CUSTOMER SERVICE” AND GETTING SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT SPEAK ENGLISH OR EVEN LIVE IN THIS COUNTRY!! SO I am talking to Bradley and he is having all sorts of trouble pulling up my account, I give him my name, Gary’s name… that doesn’t work! I give him my address old and new… that doesn’t work… I give him my phone number and Gary’s phone number… that doesn’t work! THEN Bradley asked me if I could give him a credit card number…. Now why oh why do you need my credit card number to pull up my account? According to Bradley he “may” be able to pull the account up that way… PULL UP THIS! I want to speak to a manager at this point… after 25 count them 25 minutes of speaking to Ahkmad… I mean Bradley he miraculously pulls up my account… I think that happened when I said well BRADLEY if I said cancel this bitch could you find it then! IDIOT! I said Bradley I have been a customer of your company’s for five years now and I have talked to Direct TV and I can get the same package I have with you PLUS a DVR at the same price… what can you do for me that will make me want to stay a Dish Network customer…. DO YOU KNOW WHAT BRADLEY SUGGESTED… oh you are going to love this… Bradley said to me “Well if you DOWNGRADE your package you wouldn’t have to pay so much.” Have you ever seen those cartoons where the person gets so angry that their head explodes? YEAH I was there…. I said I call you and tell you that I have been a customer of your company for five years and ask what you can do for me to make me want to stay a customer of yours and the BEST you can suggest is that I DOWNGRADE my package so it won’t cost so much….are you serious? Did I say I couldn’t afford the package I have? NO! Did I say ANYTHING about cost at all? NO! And downgrading the package is the best you could come up with…. MANAGER! I WANT THE MANAGER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bradley of course couldn’t help me, because he is the king of idiots his picture is in the dictionary next to the word, so he proceeds to “transfer” me to an “account specialist”… guess what the next thing was I heard on the phone…yup you got it dial tone! MOTHER$^*&%^#$&%! SO I call back and I am loaded for bear…. Now I get “Olga” on the line… tell me this if you could make up any name in the world to be called because no one could pronounce your real name would you choose OLGA?! SERIOUSLY! I said in a tone that I am sure she picked up on… your name is Olga? “Yes it is, may I help you”… yeah my name is Sister Christian Mary Magdalene and I want to speak to someone about my account… what are you kidding me! Olga then proceeds to take the SAME INFORMATION that Bradley took and guess what…. 15 F$%&()*!minutes later she still can’t pull up the account! I said OLGA I want to speak to a manager and you have no idea how quickly for your sake you should put them on the line! SO she keeps piddling around and I call Gary and I ask him to look on the receiver and get me numbers and Olga is getting excited because I am yelling at her and Gary at the same time… I am telling Gary that we are going to cancel this bitch with the quickness! Olga is saying… “I don’t understand why you are yelling… what is the problem…” OLGA WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO ME IF YOU ARE NOT THE MANAGER THEN YOU NEED TO BE SILENT… see you are here (insert the hand gesture that shows mouth open) and you need to be here (insert hand gesture that shows mouth closed!). In other words… shut the &*(&( up! SO Olga transfers me to an “account specialist” and guess what… all of sudden and I am back in America speaking with Don ID# XE2 in case I have any problems with this call… and he despite the fact that Olga said they don’t have any specials going on Don says they have all these specials which I can get at an even more 'special price'…. WHY? Because I have been with them for 5 ½ years!!!!!! BUT more than that because I am an angry customer who they have probably deduced by the use of profanity and slang am more than likely an angry Black man in khakis!

I am getting pissed off again just talking about this… I have to go to lunch now or something so I can regroup and calm down….

What is the deal for my birthday… I am open for breakfast, lunch and dinner on MONDAY JUNE 23 MY BIRTHDAY!!!! where are we going people what are we doing? I can’t think now I am confused and I am seeing anger right now…. Have you ever seen anger…

Have a lovely!

Peace! Mattie


  1. You can tell you are a Westbrook

  2. OMG Mattie,
    This is so hilarious and so true doesn't matter what the company is India equals crap, and do be prepared to deal with the same sitution when calling a previous employer for assistance with your account because it's being outsource to India!
