Friday, August 7, 2009


This will be short and to the point remember that ABUSE is NEVER OKAY! Also remember that when you think that YOUR situation sucks...look around it is probably not as bad you think! SMILE it is free.:P)

SO these remarks are brought to you by someone who was feeling sorry them self for a while and then called up a 'friend' to give them a hard time only to find out that comedy is not always appropriate as they had just been advised that their child may have been molested... by a family 'friend'. THEN upon going to dinner with some old high school 'friends' finds out that one of the friends parents is being emotionally and mentally and perhaps even physically abused by the person who is suppose to be there to take care of them... their 'friend'/husband. It is just SAD all the way around and there is not much you can do for them other than, listen, sympathize and advise one of them that NO YOU CANNOT CALL YOUR FRIENDS AND GO TAKE CARE OF THE PROBLEM! If you suspect someone is being abused take a stand and step in...speak up or if possible remove them from the situation if possible. Tell the people you care about that it is not okay for someone to berate you, tear down you and your self esteem, or mess with your mind in anyway shape or form. No "Gaslight" treatments and no isolating you from your family and friends. DEFINITELY do NOT allow anyone to disrespect you! You are important just as you are and as the old saying goes, you might be one person in this world...but to ONE person you might be the world! (I think that is how it goes but you get the point...)

Remember who you are, keep yourself safe, keep your loved ones safe and if that fails remember that it is not "just us" who can take care of the problem but JUSTICE will take care of those we can't!

And for those of you who don't know Gaslight was one of the old movies that came out where this man tried to make his wife think she was crazy, by doing things to her and around her and then telling her she is imagining it... and I used ' ' when saying the word friend because I am sure that you all know everyone is not your friend and good friends are hard to find!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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