Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Here is some irony for you...

I applied for a job with the Count Attorney's office and with an attorney. I didn't get the job with the County Attorney's office which is the job I wanted but I got the job with the attorney. The irony? The attorney's office is across the street from the County Attorney's office. SO I get to see the office of the job I wanted while working at the job I needed. This is just a prime example of God not always giving us what we want but he always gives us what we need.

I called the County's office just to follow up and see what the deal was I didn't get a phone call back from them letting me know they had chosen someone else, nor did they return my call when I called just to follow up to see if they had made a decision. I figure it evens out this way... I will see the job that I wanted everyday when I go to work, BUT they will see me everyday and see what they could have had but don't! I think that is fare. I talked to some people about the County Attorney's office and oddly enough they didn't have anything nice to say so it obviously a good thing I am not going to work there. I start the new job Wednesday and I tried a trial run today to see if I could make it to the big small town in time enough to make it to work by 8:00 a.m. Well it didn't happen. BUT I was up all night I couldn't sleep and when the alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. I did get up. I got up went down stairs turned it off and went to bed. NOW I did time out everything so I know when the critical hour is for leaving in order to make it to town on time. That is my goal to be on time and be the best. Pray for me! Those of you that know me know I am constantly plagued by CP time! I am breaking that habit with this job though. REALLY I AM! Oh and hey guess what I get to be the 'big cheese' so to speak at this job, at all the other firms where I worked there was always another paralegal or legal assistant there...at this firm I am the only one. Isn't that COOL!

Lesson for today always remember that when you pray for something pray expecting to receive what you ask for BUT know that what you want and what you need are two different things. You may not get what you want but God will supply your needs.

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie


  1. Congratulations Mattie! I know that you will be great at the job and will have lots of stories to tell us about it. We need to do dinner when you are settled in. J

  2. Hey kiddo....day 2.....I will keep positive thoughts at you arriving by the appointed time each day (ouch).....
    I'm working on some sort of 'thanks' for the interview note but got side tracked in reading your blog...
