Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime....farewell friend!

SO the time has come for us to part company and move forward onto bigger and better things no doubt! People are always coming in and out of our lives we have to figure out if they come for a reason, a season or a lifetime....

Well let's see...How we met....well....let me see we live in a small town and as with any small town one would aspire to work at a place that gives the illusion, if not actually provides, stability. In Flag what do you have to choose from...the usual...State, County, City, then perhaps not so usual WL Gore, Purina, Walgreens, NAU and of course where we met...the hospital. I have always wanted to work at the hospital myself it seemed as if it would be interesting or at least it would be different and as it so happened I was sent there on a temp assignment that turned into a permanent job. YAY it started out like HEAVEN but shortly went to HELL in a hand basket... but that is another story. The best thing to come out of that job though was the people I met while working there....I got to meet a lady whose ENTIRE family I thought I knew, only to find out she was the baby and I thought the other sister was....I met Althea and KMart...and many, many others....some nice, some not so much... AND then I met you!

What can one say about you...well for starters I guess I can ask who can say they know a self proclaimed Witch?! Interesting proclamation. I believe you said you were a High Priestess or something and I believe my response was yeah know I don't believe in that stuff right? BUT nevertheless we became friends...I remember all the stories you told about your first encounter with people at the grocery store, your dad and his paranoia "Tracy everybody out here is packing heat", your MOTHER "Tracy must be somewhere around for you to say that 'cause you are lying", oh my she is funny! Well maybe not so much to you but.... AND of course I can't forget you reading me the headlines over the cubicle wall as we worked. We would discuss, sometimes loudly, what was going on in the news or whatever like two old bitties hanging over the fence. Good, bad, funny or sad I think we covered it were never afraid to voice your opinion, even if it was contrary to mine...but as you said on Saturday when Althea and I were having the loud discussion in the restaurant, "that is what friends do, they disagree with each other but then they are fine...." I have some good friends, who when I think about some of the things I have said to them over the years, WOW! I know that if they would have said the same to me we wouldn't be friends BUT they are in that respect "bigger" than me and yes I can admit that. ANYWAY... as for you and I we've sat in my car smoking cigarettes and we've talked about work, people, life any and everything in between and you would remind, "Don't forget the bread!", as I drove off.... I am not really sure how long I have known you but it seems like a lifetime has passed... I won't forget any of it especially those tasty treats straight from New York and straight to my much sugar do they put in those things anyway?!!! You had a NEW YORK temper but you also had a heart that made you vulnerable to the injustices in the world. I know you would do what you could, when you could for whomever you could, not a lot of people would do that. You know what I mean? Unfortunately I don't think you realize what you are capable of or what your worth is....let me tell ya are capable of being the best Tracy/Ray there is with the biggest heart and biggest smile in the world. You are worth more than gold you need to know that! Never settle for less or think you have to buy your friends or your relationships...remember that! There is someone out there just for you who is waiting to show you what happiness really is...perhaps Texas is the place to find him???? Wouldn't that be SWEET! As you go off on your travel I have to say I am not sure of the reason you came into my life, and now the season is over, but you will be a memory that will last a lifetime!

Lastly I would be remiss if I did not say mentioned the other day that you are a Witch that LOVES Gospel music and not many people know that... you also mentioned that you loved the song, "God Is Trying to Tell you Something..."and every time you hear it you are moved to tears. Well God is trying to tell you something. He wants you to know that He is standing at the door knocking waiting for you to hear His knock and let Him in(Revelation 3:20)...He wants you to know that He knew you before you were formed(Jeremiah 1:5), and that He cares so much for you that He knows the number of hairs you have on your head(Matthew 10:30). He wants you to know that when you think you are alone and nobody cares He cares and He is always with you(Joshua 1:5). God loves you and that's all that matters! And He loves you that much I guess I can tolerate you! Thought it was getting kind of mushy there...

My prayer for you and Althea even though you are heathens :P) this that God Blesses you with EVERYTHING HE has for you!

Take care be careful in your travels....God Speed!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie


  1. This is very special and You're pretty awesome there, woman. Thank you. Seriously, Thank you.

    But, we'll be in touch...oh yeah, we'll keep in touch!

    Don't forget the bread!! :D

  2. Oh -- PS: Ms. Mattie on NY cannolis is better than anything you'll see on Television, my friends! WHOOOOO Ha!!!

  3. I think you become more religious every year. I certainly don't remember you quoting scripture in the basement of the Huff...I never would have liked you. Just thought you should know. Oh and I still owe you lunch...once I'm back from my business trip.

  4. That was beautiful Mattie. You are good at making friends feel loved and appreciated, and really known. I still have the email you sent me before I moved here (way too long ago) full or our "remember when's".


  5. Mattie,

    I had to email and tell you since I can't seem to figure out how to sign up to your blog account.

    That was very moving, and there at the end it almost got mushy but just reading it, it brought chills & tears to me. Even though it was for someone else some of your written words touched not only me but maybe others as well. Thanks for your blogs……

    Kim Burns
    Administrative Specialist
    Customer Service
