Monday, October 26, 2009

Things that make you go.....WTF!!! SERIOUSLY!

Hello People! How have ya'll been?! I hope everything is just fine and dandy with each and everyone of you!!!

I know it has been awhile since I was on here last I am planning on doing better about that even if it takes posting old stories that my friends have already read....I know I said that already....BUT seriously this time I mean it!

Anyway...what has been happening since I blogged you last??? A lot different crap has occurred in my life but then again if crap wasn't flying around my life I would have to wonder whose life it was....AND I wouldn't have anything to blog about.....

SO let me just make this blog about Things that make you go....WTF! Seriously!

I went to the doctor and I had to wait in the lobby for 45 count them....FORTY FIVE freakin' minutes and then the doctor had the nerve to ask me "if I wanted to proceed with the procedure I was there for..." WTF! Are you serious? You have had me waiting for forty five minutes then you skip your happy ass in here and ask if I want to proceed with the procedure.... Let me ask you this doctor what kind of drugs are you taking and can I get some?! SERIOUSLY! Why do doctors do that... do they seriously not think that your time is just as precious as theirs? Do they not think that you have things to do too? I am sitting out in the lobby reading my BIBLE and I can't get into what I am reading because I can feel my ears getting hot as the clock ticks away my lunch time...MY TIME! Let me give you some background...the doctor is a dermatologist...who scared me! YES can you believe it.... a dermatologist left a huge freakin' scar in the middle of my chest! HATE HER!

Anyway... this is what happened I went to the OB/GYN because I had this lump on my breast and one in the middle of my chest....the OB/GYN says that it doesn't seem to be a mass so it must be something else and you should go see a dermatologist and have them look at...SO I do. I go see doctor DOOLITTLE and she proceeds to tell me she will have to cut it open to see what comes out...Oh okay. SO she slices my breast open and nothing comes out....she says, "Well that is strange I knew there was something in there because I could feel it...well let's cut the one on your chest I KNOW THERE IS SOMETHING IN THERE!" So I lay there and she shoots lydacaine(spelling) into my chest to numb it..can you say OUCH! Then she proceeds to slice it open....then as she holds the bloody knife in my line of sight she says, "hhhmmm there is nothing in here either. Well let's take a biopsy anyway...that is strange...." At this point I wanted to jab her in the forehead with the knife...there was NOTHING in there...she couldn't figure that out before she cut me?! Exactly! That is what I am saying... AND guess what here is the kicker...most people of color when they are cut are prone to get "keyloids" (I am not sure of the spelling). A keyloid is a growth that occurs at the sight of the cut....instead of the injury being "flat" and healing normally (whatever that is) it develops a bump and becomes discolored. LOVELY! SO I have one of these in the middle of my chest and on the side of my breast! NICE! Good thing Gary didn't marry me because of my body....wait that happened after we were married...never mind! Where was I.... oh yeah the one on my breast burst or something from my bra rubbing on it BUT the one of my chest grew! Don't you just love it! Now I go back to the SAME doctor who scared me to have her fix it and she makes me wait FORTY FIVE MINUTES! THEN here is the good part... the boy/man man/boy, whatever, who came out in the lobby to get me takes me back to the little room and proceeds to ask, "What are you here for today?" OMG! Help me not do a homicide in the doctor's office... what do you mean what am I here for don't you know! THE DOCTOR SCARED ME AND NOW SHE NEEDS TO FIX TI!!! Capeash?! Comprende? Understand rubber band? Am I speaking proper English? THEN get this the nurse or assistant comes in and she says, "you are here so the doctor can give you another shot in your chest right?" Right. "So she is going to have to shoot you in the chest but you are wearing a turtle neck, shouldn't you take it off?" Shouldn't you kiss my ass! I am not taking off my shirt until the doctor is in this room I am TIRED OF WAITING! Is she coming? She has about a minute to get in here?! "But you need to remove your shirt." You need to remove yourself from my presences....NOW! I was floored seriously how do you keep someone waiting for almost an hour and then act like it is no big apology NOTHING! Just a stupid question of "are you going to proceed with the procedure? Come on! Psych yourself up!!!" I thought this must be the twilight zone and she is going to remove her mask and reveal her pig face any time now.....(The doctor has to shoot steroids into my burns like the dickens and it is not a good time at all BUT it seems to be helping the keyloid go down...). Still don't like her even if she is making the problem smaller....anyway....

Seriously I went from reading Genesis the creation of the world as we know it....wondering why did God order Noah to bring in clean and "unclean" animals into the ark, what were the unclean animals? how do you know an animal is unclean?....but as I read those passages in the Bible my mind was wondering on how much longer should I sit here before I walk ears are getting hot....(hot ears is an indication for me that I am in a dimension of pissed off that I have not encountered before...) SO as I read I was getting angry so I put the Bible case you are wondering I have a "pocket" Bible or a small Bible that fits perfectly in my purse. I was at a loss for words when I left there....the front office staff could detect my anger...the boy/man man/boy felt my anger as did the nurse but the doctor was just oblivious to the whole thing....just one of things that make you go..... WTF! SERIOUSLY!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

1 comment:

  1. Understand rubberband? That is funny!!!!

    Perhaps you ought to skip the old testament and go straight to the new testament. Old testament is all about anger and vengence - new testament is more about love and understanding....
