Saturday, October 31, 2009

I HATE FLICKERS! Not My friend Flicka but FLICKERS!

Okay so it is a lovely Saturday morning and considering it is Halloween and there is no snow on the ground there are obviously a LOT of happy children because they get to wear their costumes without their winter coats over them! has been a LONG week... we spent the majority of it with Gary's sister making phone calls and helping her get things in order due to her husband's untimely death...God works in mysterious ways ALL THE TIME...Gary's sister told us on Monday that they (her, her daughter, her husband's brothers and her son) had all decided that they were going to leave the hospital at 10:00 p.m. that night and not come back. The doctor had told them it was just a matter or time and so they figured they had seen him and come to terms with the inevitable and they were going to go...Gary's sister told her husband that they were leaving at 10 and not coming back... just before 10 they started cleaning up the room because the hospital staff had brought them in coffee and doughnuts, etc., so they were cleaning up and getting ready to go. Gary's sister's daughter and her husband helped change her dad's gown and bed linens and just as they finished....he died! CHILLS....I guess he decided that he was ready to leave at 10:00 p.m. too. We went down to Scottsdale on Tuesday and came back on Friday afternoon/evening we got everything in order I think accept for one thing.... Gary's sister's husband had a "Bucket List" and he got to go to New York...he wanted to go Fly fishing in Wyoming but didn't make it...some cruises he won't get to take BUT the one thing we are trying to figure out what to do with is the BMW Z-4, 2008 fully loaded sitting in the garage! It was on the list.... Anybody got an extra $50,000 sitting around and want to buy it? Only 900 miles on it?! Soft top.....Sirius/XM Satellite radio paid up through 2011...anybody????!!!!!!

ANYWAY....back to the frick'in flickers! Needless to say the week was draining and so I was looking forward to sleeping in this morning....NOT bright and early I hear...peck...peck...peck...peck...I said Gary the woodpeckers are pecking on the house again!!!!! So he goes out there and by the time he gets out there they fly away... SO we are awake now and we get up and come down stairs and what do we hear... peck... peck... peck...peck... those little mother$^&**! are back....Gary grabs the shotgun and his earplugs....puts the earplugs in and like Barney Fife(is that how you spell it) he has to get the ONE bullet and put it in the gun...he cocks the gun and the bullets flies out (because he didn't put it in right) and his earplugs fall out of his ears! He is sending out a barrage of profanities and trying to put the bullet back ear plug in the other one hanging...cock the gun bullet falls out again...MOTHER%^&*@! Needless to say when he finally got it together the woodpeckers had flown away! HELP ME! SO I say Gary why don't you use the BB gun instead of the shotgun that way you can avoid the earplugs AND you won't have to worry about cocking the gun and the bullet flying out...."the BB gun only shoots short range the gun shoots a longer range...." Yeah but if you can't get a shot off then what is the point of the gun???? Now I have to go get more pie pans to hang around the house AND Gary has to climb up on the roof to try and repair the hole the peckers have pecked in the roof.... freak'in FLICKERS! HATE THEM! I bet these are one of those 'unclean' animals that Noah brought onto the Ark!

SO that is my world right is like the movie The Birds out here where we live if they are not pooping on everything they are dive bombing you when you go outside....and the woodpeckers....don't even get me started! I think by the time we are done you will be able to see our house from space because of all the pie pans that will be on it!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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