Thursday, November 5, 2009

Random things....

Hello People! I hope this week finds you is almost over anyway if it is not...see you have to find the bright side of things! are some random things that have happened to me lately....

I went to the nuthouse (my mom's house) the other day and my sister was making her favorite...CHICKEN...the people at Kentucky Fried Chicken don't even have to see her face they can just hear her voice through the drive thru speaker and they already know what she wants. Can you say you have been there WAY TOO MUCH! She told me she saw one of the workers at the mall once and he pointed at her and said, "Hey you are the chicken lady!" That is my new name for her...
I told her she was going to be coughing up feathers one day because she eats so much chicken not all parts of the chicken just the 'wings'. Weird! Unfortunately she doesn't go to KFC anymore she said while waiting in the drive thru she saw a mouse or some mice run out the back door of the KFC on 66 and I believe she said the one on Milton Road has she makes her own chicken at the nuthouse... rotisserie or fried? Pick one she can do both... she has a rotisserie and she can fry up some bird! day when she was doing her usual...chicken I decided I would have a piece, I usually don't because the chicken lady can get an attitude sometimes...but I digress. SO I have a piece and she says, "I had to buy that chicken because I didn't have time to wait for any to thaw up so I got some cheap stuff... it tastes cheap." I figured she was just saying that so I wouldn't have any... WRONG! I should have listened... so I am eating the chicken and I get this tickle in my I cough...nothing I cough HARDER...a feather comes out of my mouth! Can you say NASTY! Yeah that is what it was...I still feel like something is stuck in my throat... hopefully I don't start clucking!!!! HELP ME!

I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. LOVELY! SO I am laying back in the chair and I really think the hygienist has it in for me...SERIOUSLY! I was in her chair for less than 10 minutes and I was soaking wet and BLIND! Why? Because she sprayed the COLD water directly on my teeth which in turn sprayed and splashed all over my face and shirt. THEN she proceeded to clean my teeth do the whole procedure and not once did she suction or rinse my mouth during that time. She went the entire cleaning without giving me a suction or rinse...all the while she is commenting on the plaque she is finding! (When I know I am getting my teeth cleaned I usually will eat anything that sticks to your teeth or in your teeth...she has to work for the $80.00 bucks they charge.) "Do you floss your teeth? Are you brushing back here in the back?" Meanwhile the plaque and crap is falling down my throat and I am gagging! My stomach is turning. BUT her stomach is ANGRY it is doing a little more than growling it is roaring! Now we all know that when we don't eat especially in the morning EVEN after brushing your teeth your breath is going to be a little....TART! Hers was screaming! I just saw this video and this girl was singing "is that your breath or did you just fart?" She had a line in the song that said something like..."I thought it was demonic you could use a colonic" that would apply to the lady cleaning my teeth! AND she was wearing a mask... Anyway... when I told her I was having trouble getting the floss between some of my teeth....her response was "I did it". Well pardon me! I think when you do it I am leaned back in a chair with my mouth WIDE open and you are leaning in....I bet that makes a BIG difference from standing in front of the mirror and trying to reach in there yourself! BITCH! Anyway....

It is getting cold now a days here in the high country but since I have hot flashes now I really can't feel it much...I spend most of my days now fanning my head. Why do I have to sweat in my head? Is that normal? I bet it is because there is so much brain power going on up there that it just gets overloaded! Smoke starts coming out and you can see the steam...oh sorry that happens when I try to think or concentrate! Just kidding...but I do sweat in my head pretty bad...I can sweat out a perm in a week...that should give those of you who know what a perm is a clue how bad it is.

Until the next time something occurs to me that I find interesting or I just have something to say I will....

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

1 comment:

  1. Now that shit was funny, you coughed up a feather? That had to have been some cheap chicken..Doesn't the hygenist know that she is representing the dentist? Her breath should always be fresh and clean...These stories are hilarious..Cece
