Friday, November 13, 2009

Words of Wisdom....

Hello People! I hope this blog finds you all doing well.... Here is another oldie but goodie...I sent this email to my friends back in February of this year goes a little something like this:

Okay its been awhile how are you people doing? I am just dandy...fine and dandy, sweet as candy to be exact! Now what has everyone been up to? Working? I am still unencumbered by the stress of earned income(is that the way you say it???)...but the stress of being unencumbered is starting to stress me out!

I went to the grocery store the other day and my cashier's name was normally I wouldn't pay attention to the cashier or their name unless they are rude in which case I make it a point to not only pay attention to the name but I draw attention to their rudeness... BUT I digress... Abram was a chatty fellow I mean the whole time I was unloading my cart he was chatting away to the people ahead of me and then when I got up there he just kept the chatter going...."How are you today?" Fine thank you. "It is a lovely day isn't it?" Well yes it is..."Oh my bagger just left so now I guess I will have to bag these myself...." Well he left to help someone carry their bags to their car so he didn't really leave you he is just temporarily unavailable. "Yeah that is true. A lot of people don't like to use the baggers but I do! They are so helpful and they make my job so much easier all I have to do is scan the items and keep moving...but now I have to stop and bag them as well...Oh I guess I should stop now." Insert the sound of my potato chips being crushed at the end of the conveyor belt as the 64 ounce bottle of juice and other items I have purchased crash into them! "SORRY!" Insert the obligatory fake smile on my face that says "that's okay". "Well I am not suppose to even be here yet my shift doesn't start until 15 minutes from now...but we are short handed and more hours just means more money right?!" Right. "I am sorry I have just been talking away this whole time did you have anything you wanted to say...." No you're fine you just go right ahead and keep talking.... that is what I said but what I was thinking was...Could you just SHUT UP! Seriously!!!! Who can talk that much to perfect strangers? Most people say little or nothing to me because they think I'm least that is the lie they tell "You look so mean so I didn't want to say anything to you..." OH BITE ME! ANYWAY back to Abram "My that is a pretty bracelet you have on...." Actually it is a watch...see. I then turn the face of the watch up so that it is visible. "OH! It is still pretty I love that color..." (Now my watch is a metallic black or black it is pretty cool if I do say so myself!) I said Thank you to Abram who finally finished my groceries and said THANK GOD to myself that I was leaving because he obviously did not know when to shut up! Now I am sure that you all are thinking well that's not very nice he was just being polite and trying to make conversation to pass the time. AND he was nice and polite but Abram's voice was annoying! It sounded like someone who was waiting for his "sack" to drop and hopefully along with the dropping of the sack his voice would then drop an octave or two as well! It was either that or FLAME ON! Sorry not trying to offend but....

NOW onto the nut(s)... I took my sister to the doctor on Friday and she will be wheelchair, walker and brace free come the end of the month. YAY!!!!! Go Stinky...Go Stinky!!!! Now my mom meets me and my sister at the Orthopedics office and we all go back into the room to wait for the doctor...

I know you all know that this is Black History month and as such they have a lot of shows on the history channel, etc. regarding Black History. NOW my mom apparently doesn't sleep at night so she has seen some of these documentaries, movies, etc. NOT to mention she lived through most of it and has first hand knowledge. I don't have a problem with Black History...I LOVE Black History I would choose Black any day of the week and twice on Sunday... I am really irritated that they have chosen not to teach more of it in a matter of fact I've heard the page and a half that we had in the history books has been removed and they are not teaching it at all...but that is another story... where was I.... Oh yeah we are in the room waiting for the doctor...

My mom, Stinky and I are waiting for the doctor to come in and exam Stinky's knee... as we wait my mom tells me about watching a program on Black History...judging by what she said it perhaps had something to do with the underground railroad...there was also some mention of picking cotton and she recalled when she use to pick it and how hard it was to make a hundred pounds because cotton is so light... "It takes 6 rows and 10 make a hundred pounds" I put the ... in there because she said 10 pulls at something I couldn't understand what it was she said though... THEN she went on to talk about "mass'ah" and how he would kick those women even when they were pregnant and down on the ground he would just keep kicking them... I am ASSUMING this was on the program she was watching and not something she had first hand knowledge of... I said what you are talking about THAT did not happen they don't teach that in the schools so it didn't happen and neither did the Holocaust so stop making stuff up! Now believe me I know slavery happened and the Holocaust almost extinguished the entire Jewish race....but again my understanding is that they are not teaching these truths to our youth mom says IT DID HAPPEN! I said okay if YOU say so... just pissing her off and/or egging her on whichever... I guess I should have just said nothing because as she continued her tale of what she had seen on TV she apparently was moved by the images or was just having flashbacks because the next thing I knew she was singing..."Go down Moses way down in Egypt land tell Ol' Pharaoh LET MY PEOPLE GO!" HELP ME! Then she was explaining how in the field they would be singing and you would have the men (altos) singing over there and then the women (sopranos) over here and then the bass singers would come in with the LET MY PEOPLE GO!!! And she was singing LOUD and I just thought "GOD kill me now!" Seriously! If the doctor comes into this room while she is asking Moses to go tell Pharaoh to LET MY PEOPLE GO.... I am going to knock myself unconscious banging my head against this wall!!! That or I am going to just throw myself on the floor like I am having a fit! I was wondering why is she singing this song...loud! I know the song I know the history what is she doing?! Then she says "The master would think because we were singing we were happy but we weren't happy we wanted out of there!!" Then she started talking about Harriet Tubman... but she couldn't think of her name... I was still saying to myself KILL ME NOW!

FINALLY the doctor came in... THANK GOD she wasn't singing then... the doctor said Stinky's leg had "calloused over" so once she hits the 90 days or 3 months since the break....she can take off the brace, give back the wheelchair and no need for a walker....

Zippity do dah... Zippity de aye my oh my what a wonderful day!

NOW here are your words of wisdom...if you have bubble guts or an upset tummy.... DO NOT get in your car and drive 45 miles to Flagstaff in white out conditions and icy roads... you will be tense which will make your bubble guts bubblier and your vision blurred! That is all!!!!
See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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