Friday, November 20, 2009

Okay its OFFICIAL!!!!

Hello everybody how are you doing? I hope you all are fine and dandy SWEET as candy! It is almost Thanksgiving a time to be thankful and to reflect on the many BLESSINGS that have been given to you! SO what are you thankful for?

Speaking of BLESSINGS I met with a man a week ago who is a "published" author, his name is Gary McCarthy he does fiction and he writes novels, documentaries if I am not mistaken. Pick up a book or two of his if you are into that kind of thing! We met for at the coffee shop that has wifi access and I pulled up my blog so that he could take a look. He read a couple of paragraphs or so of one the blogs and then he said, "what do you want me to do for you?" WELL the possibilities are endless with that question. Anyway I said I just wanted someone who writes to look at my writing and tell me what they think. He said he could not critique my work as that is not what he does (well what the $%^&!). BUT he said from the few paragraphs he read he could see that I did have a good writing style, it was humorous and my grammar was good! Well isn't that special! So we sat and talked and as we talked he pulled out three books. One of them was ONE of the many he has published and the other two were called the "writers Bibles". These books show you how to get your work published, they tell you who the editors are and what they are looking for and how to submit it to them. They tell you about the magazines that will pay you for articles that you submit that they publish. They tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about being a PUBLISHED writer. It even tells you how to publish your own writings! COOL! I am excited he was a nice man...I appreciated his time.

SO I ordered my copies of the books, oh sorry bibles and I guess what I am going to do. It appears that by the GRACE of God I was removed from a hostile situation and put into a position to do what I want to since I have the time and now I have the books AND access to a an author who is might check the bookstores you never know when you will see me on the shelf!

Until then....

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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