Sunday, September 13, 2009


Well here we are people, it has been a while! How is every little thing? Sorry I apparently can't come up with a catchier beginning so we are stuck with this one until something else pops in my head...

SO I have been working lately it is good to do SOMETHING with your days and hopefully whatever it is you are doing is making for a more productive life for you. I guess it all boils down to choices. God gave us free reign so that we could make choices of our own free will. Some choices we make are bad, well not necessarily bad, but not good for is that? I don't think there are necessarily bad choices just opportunities to learn. Now in my time span here on this earth I have had the opportunity to learn some things. One thing I learned, which I heard my mom say several times, (actually over and over and over I wouldn't call it her mantra but more like her choice of verbal weapon to use) is that you can't make someone want you. AND I learned the hard way that you can't make someone love you. These sayings are true and once you grasp that truth you will free yourself to be open to those who do want you and to those who do love you. If you are clinging onto something that doesn't want you and doesn't love you, you are only prolonging the inevitable and that is, no matter how hard you cling in the end you will NOT have that which you are trying to hold!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident...." (Declaration of Independence). Independence is a good thing when you are independent you know that you can take care of yourself regardless of whatever else happens. Self reliance is a good thing! NOW don't get me wrong being with someone and knowing someone is going to be there for you is also a good thing! ESPECIALLY IF that someone loves you and wants you for you! And I stress that you for YOU not for what you can do for them, buy them, give them, etc. BUT, in my opinion, it is good to know that if you don't have that 'someone' you are good as ONE! Understand that? Never let anyone or anything define you or make you feel less You do you the BEST YOU you can and you will be surprised how good you actually are. Know that you are worthy of love, acceptance as you are, and respect. Remember though respect starts with you, if you don't respect yourself then who will?

Okay I have kicked my soapbox over and now we can resume normal programming....

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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