Saturday, September 19, 2009

Variety is the SPICE of they say!

SO what is up people? How are you doing? I have a headache and a cough that comes up from my chest...other than that I am doing good! Even with the headache and cough I am still doing good!

I have been employed now for a whole two weeks I think I am getting the hang of it. The lady who is retiring and for whom I am 'attempting' to replace is very well organized. I mean VERY organized she has the office set up so that if computers were capable she could have it wipe your @$$! SERIOUSLY! I am use to working in chaos and disarray so it is hard getting use to things being done orderly. Crazy how some people operate their lives with seemingly everything being done step by step in order and others are just going through their lives haphazardly trying not to break something in the process. But it is apparent that if we didn't have the mixture of the two, life would be boring in and of itself. Those who are orderly always have something to talk about with those who are disorderly and vice-versa.

There are also people in life who thrive on drama the more the merrier for them, and others who would rather not have drama but peace. Again the two mixtures make for a more interesting world to live in...but being one that could do without the drama....well you know what I would say next. NO MORE DRAMA! Hey Mary J. Blige made a song about that! Anyway...the long and short of it is variety is the spice of life and whatever your pleasure is in life 'CHEERS' to you! Live your life the way you want as you have been given a choice to do just that, and isn't that special?! BUT just remember that others may find the way you choose to live your life, especially if it is contrary to the way they live theirs, annoying! SO keep that in mind. I guess this headache is making me cranky?! (Perhaps and perhaps not). I have been told that I need a course in sensitivity training. I don't think it would help. Patience for those who are stupid is more like it. BUT that is just my point of view.

I am going to spend some time today with some classmates from High School. It is amazing how in High School you had these "clicks" or groups of people who were identified as 'jocks', 'stoners', 'nerds', etc., and they would NEVER mix or be seen together unless they were fighting of course. In High School these clicks or groups would never mingle or been seen together, but now that we have graduated from High School and are getting on in age we have no problem crossing those lines and getting together and socializing. In socializing we find out that we are pretty much all the same. The jocks, nerds, stoners, rich kids and the not so rich kids are all the same when you get down to the basics.., who would have thunk it?!! Hhhhmmm it only took 27 years to figure that out. Well, actually I am sure we knew this all along, it's just that in high school everyone wants so much to fit in somewhere that they forget they fit in everywhere!

Variety the SPICE of life....go out and enjoy some variety!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog Mattie! Fair warning though - I will use your own words against you next time I get an email from you talking about how certain people shouldn't have the right to live their lives the way they want.

    Great observation, and way of phrasing it, at the end, about how we all want to fit in somewhere, but really fit in everywhere.

    How about a new food blog?
