Wednesday, January 28, 2015

SO What's It All About....

HELLO PEOPLE!!! Can you believe that January is almost over??? WOW the first month of the year 2015 and it will be over in 3 days...CRAZY!!! Time is flying by these days and people are becoming more and more self absorbed and actually more and more brazen with the things they are doing NOTHING seems to be off limits. I saw an advertisement the other day for a show that is coming to a cable TV near you. It is called "Sex in a Box", the premise of the show couples have sex in a box in front of an audience. I thought I was hearing things but NOPE that is an actual show and it will be on for you to view if you so chose. I don't believe the box is clear I think it is shaded BUT they will have lights on it thus you will be able to see the silhouettes of the people involved. That and they walk out afterwards and off to the side of the stage...I THINK they will be critiquing the performance? I don't really know why it's a show as my mouth was dropped open and you know when your mouth is open it clogs your hearing. Well, it does mine. Are we really that desperate for something to see on TV that this is entertaining???? LORD PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON US!!!! Somethings just make you shake your head in disbelief you wonder what are people thinking or more plainly....WHAT THE HELL???? I have been doing that a LOT lately things seem to be spiraling out of the 'norm' and into the great unknown and believe me it's really SCARY! My niece is seeming to go backwards again and that is NOT acceptable! She was supposed to come to the house the other day, she wouldn't come. She thought smiling, hugging and almost cooing like a baby would make me leave her at Grandma's house. Really? The deal is you are supposed to stay with me during the week and Grandma on the weekend but she wanted to try me and see how far she could get. SAD! Then I start to wonder is the medication starting to lose its affect or is she really just being a kid and trying to see what she can get away with? With my niece is harder to tell especially with the medication she is taking, I sit and wonder do I need to call the Doctor to have her up the dosage or just assume its a teenage thing? I don't have kids...never wanted them and it's moments like these when I remember WHY I don't have kids....Its like an Oprah 'Ah Ha' moment and say to myself 'oh yeah THIS is why I don't have kids'. To the parents who do have children that are well behaved, respectful and kind I SALUTE you cause I know it was easy getting them to this point. To the parents who have children and are struggling to raise them to be well behaved, respectful and kind PRAYERS for you cause you obviously need them! AND to those parents who had children and basically ignored them and they raised themselves, thus making you the parents of bullies and hellions...I say WHAT THE HELL!!! So what is life all about...what's it all about in general what are we all living for? Are we living just because we were one of the ones BLESSED to be given life or are we living in an effort to make a difference??? I hope we are trying to make a difference...but I have learned the hard way everybody is not like me. Its hump day people and time is flying by... what are you going to do with the time you have? See ya when I see ya! Peace! Mattie

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