Friday, January 9, 2015


GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! I know the meaning of the saying 'Thank God It's Friday!' Today was the third day of my niece being back in the house with me and my sister, they were better today than they were yesterday! The third time has been a charm the only problem today was me. I didn't do any night before prep as I had done the two previous days...SO this morning I had to do EVERYTHING fix the lunch, get the showers and get medicine and shoes on so we could leave and try to beat the bus to my mom's house!!!! Another narrow escape! We flipped a U' Turn as the bus was coming around the corner again. I am glad my niece is with me now, I feel like I have some control over what she is being exposed to, in other words I can control whether or not her mom is having contact with her. NOW don't get me wrong about her mom contacting her that's another story that I don't have time for right biggest concern is to make sure my niece keeps PROGRESSING and not REGRESSING!! She will be 18 soon and I hope that she is independent and no longer on the medication she is taking. It is truly sad to see a child with Down Syndrome on 'anti psychotic' medication. Now without going into much detail does that give you an idea of why I want to keep her mother's contact to a minimum????!!!!! FRIDAY is everyone's most favorite day of the week...looks like it will start to be mine as well! I was just thinking that next week should go FAST cause the following Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr., day which is a holiday so we will get three (3) count them THREE days off!!! As that thought crossed my mind I thought something else I was going to hope for this year. I hope that people including myself learn to stop and enjoy the day they are in and have been BLESSED to see! Each day is a gift and so many of us ignore the gift we have looking forward to or anticipating a future gift that may not be presented to us. Think about it. All of us have be given a certain amount of time on this earth and when we wish for Friday or the next three (3) day weekend to come we are rushing the time that we have for time that may not be meant for us to see. I hope people realize that anticipation is good in its place, like what's for dinner or what did we get for our birthday or Christmas, but we should learn to enjoy what we have while we have it available! Did you ever stop and think that when you are wishing for FRIDAY to hurry up and get here you maybe wishing for your life to be over? You see we don't know when your time will be done so when we wish for something far off in the future we could be wishing ourself away. Today is a gift that has been given to you, tomorrow is not promised to you so let's enjoy today and not worry about what will or will not be tomorrow because it may not be your problem to be concerned about. HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Enjoy your weekend and each day that you are given See ya when I see ya! Peace! Mattie

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