Thursday, January 15, 2015

Do You Remember....

THIS IS THANKFUL THURSDAY!!! What are you thankful for? HELLO PEOPLE! I have just a few minutes before I have to leave for work, I spent most of the morning trying to get the 'WiFi' to work! Don't you just LOVE modern technology?! UGH!!!! Anyway, this morning I was able to get the kids off to my mom's house and even had time to sit and WAIT for the bus...we took a leisurely drive over the hill even went UNDER the speed limit! We had to go under the speed limit cause the person in front of me wouldn't GO!!!! Got to my mom's and she had her house set on HELL like usual for this time of year! I don't understand WHY you would set your thermostat on the HIGHEST temperature there is and then walk around with a T-Shirt on? Why not put on a sweater or sweatshirt SAVE the energy and MONEY and be just as cosy???!!! I don't get it! I can only stay in her house for a short time when I go over there in the winter, it's just TOO HOT! Remember when you were little and your parents would embarrass you to know end, mostly just by being your parents?! My mom to this day will just put on anything and go out in public. ANYTHING! I have told her several times not to tell people I am her daughter. She has told me that "I was over there in Safeway and I was wondering why everybody was looking at me when I walked by? So I looked down and my gown was hanging down from under my pant leg and my coat was raised up in the back because I hadn't pulled it down over my clothes. They don't know they weren't laughing any harder than I was when I figured out what they were looking at." I said MOM! Did you see anybody that might know me? You didn't mention my name did you?! Well now that I have to have these kids up and out of the house before 7:00 a.m., I find that you just throw on anything you can find so you can get the job DONE! This morning I had on a dew rag...TOO short sweats over a slip that I was sleeping in and a TOO small sweatshirt that is a beaming NEON FLORESCENT GREEN!!!!Yeah we went out the door and I had on a flip flop and a boot! I was looking GOOD!!!! Good thing these kids don't know the difference and are just happy they got to have pop tarts this morning instead of Activia!!!! The Activia is mine cause you know I am old...BUT I didn't have anything else to give them for breakfast so...DON'T JUDGE ME!! I was thinking when I came back in the house and the sun was starting to shine, if my neighbors could see me looking like this what would they think? OH MY WHAT has moved in next to us??!!! FUNNY and SAD!!!! I thought about Dr. Nate Avery (#BLE) too and a conversation I had with him a day or two before he died. We were in the elevator and he was asking me how my children were. I said Dr. Avery you must have me confused with someone else. He said they're gone? I said no I don't have any...he stood there looking sad and I said what is wrong Dr. Avery you having a problem with your kids? He said, "yeah, they are growing up to fast and I don't like it!" I said OH they must be at that age where they don't want you around huh? He said, "yeah, they want you to drop them off a block before their stop or around the corner and I told them that I wouldn't pick my nose in front of their friends anymore but..." I said Dr. Avery I can see why your kids don't want you around...picking your nose really?! Then I just BURST into laughter!!! Dr. Avery was hilarious, for a neurosurgeon he made me shake my head in disbelief a LOT at some of the stuff he would say! WOW! Sadly he died WAY too soon! I was thinking about my dad again this morning sometimes when I think about him I get his PAIN in my chest...memories are the best though aren't they?! BE THANKFUL FOR THE MEMORIES sometimes that's all we have left!!! I read that somewhere and it is so true! HEY did I mention that this is the #YearOfPluto... the year of Pluto they are going to do a fly by, by the planet PLUTO and the Observatory is having all kinds of things to promote interest in this fly by that is happening in July...June? Anyway...Can you imagine what memory that will make to actually SEE the planet PLUTO???!!! I gotta get to work.... See ya when I see ya! Peace! Mattie

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