Thursday, January 8, 2015


ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!!! Day TWO and this still can go either way! This morning was not as smooth as day ONE but that's took a lot of Stinky put that down....put your hand down don't block the water coming out of the shower! Put your hands down....STOP IT!!!! Lynzee you need to move around in the shower you just can't stand there you need to get your whole body the other side needs water too...Lynzee MOVE! The same dialog went on as we proceeded to get dressed, take our medicine AND get in the car! Get in the car Stinky...get leave the door alone Lynzee can do it herself...YOU GET IN!!! Good thing there was no Po Po out this morning that I could see cause we did about 60/65 coming over Cedar Hill (Forrest) we get to the bottom of the hill there is a bus coming from Coconino headed towards Linda Vista/Grandview is that Lynzee's bus??? COME ON LIGHT CHANGE! We get the green light I hit the gas peddle cut off some cars coming as we swerve onto Grandview street, no bus in front of the house but I can see lights coming around the corner up ahead...flip a U-Turn, run around the car and open Lynzee's door just as the lights start to flash on her bus. WE BEAT THE BUS! WE BEAT THE BUS!!!! YES!!!!! Tomorrow is Friday I think I now know the true meaning of THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY! Tomorrow is another day lets hope that day three is the preverbal 'charm'!!!! This is day 8 of 2015 and so far this year is starting out with a BANG! Unrest and terrorist in France?! I thought they were like Switzerland...neutral and never involve themselves in anybody's business! This kind of puts a monkey wrench in my hope that 2015 be an 'uneventful' year. I am not deluding myself that there will not be any events that make the news I was just hoping that the events wouldn't involve war, racism, children committing suicide due to being bullied by their so called 'FRIENDS' and maybe just a little even just a tiny modicum of respect for the President. Wouldn't that be a glorious year?! I think so...I won't even pretend that people would be kinder and help their fellow man that would be a childish assumption. As 2014 ended I read this news report about this little girl who hanged herself in her closet after leaving a note on her Facebook page of "I wonder if I died today would anybody cry?" There were lots of people crying including me cause that is really sad that a child thinks their only way out of their misery is to take their own life. I heard about another child who hanged herself because she was really tall and the kids made fun of her for that, even after her parents took her out of the one school and put her in another...maybe I am getting my stories mixed up? BUT the fact that there are so many stories of this kind that I can be confused about which kid did what is INSANE!!! I use to be called Jolly Green Giant, String Bean, Skinny Minnie, etc. when I was growing up. I was even told that my mom should have named me Minnie instead of Mattie cause it rhymed better with skinny! I think kids have been taunted by other kids since the beginning of time unfortunately the taunts have either become more threatening or more cruel or kids are just not prepared for what may happened to them in the real world?? Maybe the kids these days are being pampered too much by their parents so much so that when they are out in society anything to the contrary of their parents accolades are hard for them to take. Parents should be their children's biggest supporter and cheerleader! BUT I think at some point they should also prepare their children that life is not always going to be rainbows and lollipops some people are not being raised in the same manner as you, and may take their unhappiness out on others!!!! I hope that aside from the story of the two little girls KILLING their brother that the deaths of children whether natural, at the hands of others or by their own hands is minimal this year. Life itself is too short to be anything but happy, if you are not happy tell somebody about it maybe they can do something to make you happy. Parents prepare your kids for REAL life not the fairy tale you prepared for them in the confines of your home. Until next time.... See ya when I see ya! Peace! Mattie

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