Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Hello People!!! How the heck are you doing? I hope this blog finds you well. Today was the first day of my niece staying with me (again) at my new place in Flagtown....The outcome could have gone either way good or bad...BUT it went well!! Lynzee stayed last night she got up this morning and got ready for school and we were able to get to my mom's before her bus came so she could ride the bus to school as usual! The only difference I am aiming for in this transition is that she stays here at night and everything else stay the same, she will still go to the Nuthouse after school, ride he bus as usual and life will be easy!!!!! PLEASE GOD LET IT BE!!!! After yesterday's phone call the to the phone company KARMA could have come back and bit me BIG TIME in my ASS! Not that I was wrong in what I did (shut up this is my opinion), BUT I was wrong in who I directed my anger at. The person who answered the phone was not the problem the problem started with the sales person who LIED to me about what I was getting. NOW had this person simply said when I asked for phone service for $9.99, that they did not have such a plan we could have discussed other options...BUT no Einstein decided he would just agree to whatever I was saying as if I would be naive or stupid enough to not know the difference when the bill came! RIGHT!!! Now the guy who answered the phone yesterday told me that they offered an unlimited plan for incoming and outgoing calls for $15.99 per month. HOWEVER since I wasn't told about this at the start don't try to sell me on it now, your sales rep screwed you! AND the sad part is the FIRST technician that came out to turn the phone on didn't help the situation either as it took TWO technicians to get the job done. The first guy said he had the phone working, HOWEVER when the SECOND guy came out he said that the phone line from the outside of the house WAS NEVER CONNECTED TO THE HOUSE!!! So how in the H E double hockey sticks could the first guy say he had done his job???? Seriously!!!! I explained all this loudly to the second person I talked to in the 'disconnect' my opinion that is the problem with a lot of people in America nobody wants to do their job or go that extra mile to make the company they are working for look good. Good old fashion customer service is no longer around...SAD!!! Everybody says 'that's not my job!' I REALLY dislike hearing that, if you work for someone to me whatever is being asked of you IS your job!!! BUT that is just my opinion a work ethic I got from my parents!!!! The Bible tells us that we should do all things as if unto God...I will tell you first hand that my conversation with those people at the phone company yesterday...God was not in it anywhere...I am sure He was saying 'now she knows better than that'!! BUT sometimes people will take you right there! I guess our job is not to let them take you there!!!! I am working on it! Let's see how day TWO goes!! See ya when I see ya! Peace! Mattie

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