Friday, April 23, 2010

Mattie is walking for a cure....

HEY! Everybody...Mattie is walking for a cure to breast cancer! What are you doing????

Visit my website and follow my progress at:

See ya when I see ya!Peace! Mattie

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Wild...Wild... West...

SO hello people! How are you doing? I hope this blog finds you well....Spring is in the air, unless you are up north in which case snow is in the air, but we need the moisture right? What has everybody been up to? Shaking off the winter and getting ready for summer I am sure. How many are on diets to lose the winter midsection that you got while being cooped up in the house and eating your weight in chocolate and cookies during the holidays???? Don't worry I am right there with ya....SAD!!!

So let me tell you this little story of an incident that happened to me over the weekend.

I live out in B.F.E. and my closest neighbor is a half mile to a mile away. We have signs posted no trespassing and we have been informed by the Sheriff that if we have any problems we should "take care of it" ourselves and he will deal with the aftermath when he gets here. NOW don't get it twisted the man did not say reenact Clint Eastwood's make my day scene, BUT he just let us know that in all likelihood if we don't take care of it by the time he gets here it could be an ugly situation. Now that I have set the stage here is the story:

SO last Saturday I get up and me and my sister come downstairs and I see out the window that a man is standing at our fence starring....Just standing there starring I don't know what he is looking at and I am like OH SHIT this is going to be some make my day kind of stuff! Gary was gone down to Cottonwood for a, yeah you guessed it, tractor show so it was just me and my sister. I take my sister into the living room and I tell her to stay there and be quiet. She does, for a while then she starts choking on some water so I have to rush in there and help her. Her eyes are all big and she is looking like what the hell just happened I was doing my normal thing where I take a mouth full of water and gargle with it and all of a sudden there is water going down the front of my shirt on the floor and I can't breathe! I calm her down and I go back to the window and look out...the man is still there, still looking and just weird! I call Gary and tell him that the man we saw driving around lost the day before is back and he is standing at the fence starring at the house. I try to use the binoculars but my eyes don't work with binoculars and I can't see shit in 3-D either, but that is another story. I say to GARY THAT MAN IN THE TRUCK IS BACK AND HE IS LOOKING AT THE HOUSE STANDING BY THE FENCE! Insert concerned voice that is almost high pitched and squealing. Gary says, "well what is he doing?" I said he is just standing at the fence looking at the house and I don't know how long he has been there the dogs are barking and when I came downstairs he was there. Gary says, "well he will 'probably' go away after awhile. So anyway I saw this tractor and it's only $1200.00 for it and I could use the tires off of it and maybe sell the rest for parts. Gary (our neighbor) has already bought some stuff. They also have these rollers that you put under those oil cans I have, you know what I talking about? I want those rollers but I don't want the oil cans, I wonder if the man will sell them to me without the cans, cause I don't want the cans...." WTH! GARY!!!! What are you talking about?! I just told you there is a MAN at the fence looking at the house and you are talking about tractors, oil cans and wheels....what the hell is wrong with you. Gary says, "well I don't know what to do 'why don't you go find out what he wants'..." Right! Like that is going to happen. I said you know what Gary I have to go I am going to call Copper to come over here and take care of this...Gary says, "well I told you he would probably leave after awhile...the cop is not going to come." Needless to say I hung up on Gary! SERIOUSLY! THERE IS A MAN AT THE FENCE AND YOU TALKING ABOUT TRACTORS! SERIOUSLY....SERIOUSLY!!

SO I call Copper and I say there is a man at my house standing out at the fence he was there when I came downstairs, I don't know who he is, I don't know how long he's been there and Gary is not here. The COP says, "I'll be right there!!!!" BOOM! Appropriate response, no tractor talk, no mention of oil cans and rollers, just I'll be right there! Gary calls back and I tell him that I called Copper and he is coming and the guys is STILL THERE! He says well then the cop will take care of it...and he starts talking about the stuff at the tractor show again...I said WHAT IS TAKING COPPER SO LONG! He lives around the corner (granted it is a mile around the corner but still....)Gary says it always seems longer when you are waiting...I look at the phone and I say why are you calling me? He says I was just checking to see if the guy was still there. YES he is still there and he is going to back to his truck to get something.... I can't see what he has he is holding up something. WHERE IS THE COP! I hang up the phone again cause I am about to call Copper again and the guy walks over to the gate does something at the gate, WTH! Oh shit now I have to get the gun. Then he walks back to the fence looks one last time and starts to get in his truck. WHERE IS THE COP!!!! The guy starts to drive away and as he does the cop drives up...they eye each other and the cop pulls in the drive gets out opens the gate. The man drives on. I run outside and I ask the cop WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG! Copper says, "I got his license plate number, do you know that guy?" I say no I don't, then he hands me a note that the guy had stuck to the fence.

I open the note and look at it. I look at the cop and say it is somebody looking for Gary, he says okay. Then he says does the sheriff come out here at all and I told him NO! The sheriff told Gary that if something happened to take care of it ourselves and he would deal with it when he got here. See we live in the county so technically the cop has no jurisdiction out here since he is a "City" cop and this is not the city it is the Wild... Wild... West! As the cop leaves I go back into the house and I catch my breathe and read the note, which reads as follows:

"03-20-10 Good morning Gary, I was given your name by Tim Baker that you deal w/8N tractors and I am needing a carb. for mine. My name is Pablo and my # is --------. Please give me a call if you parts for an 8N 1948-52 Carb Part #8N9510C. Thank you." Are you freakin' kidding me!!!! I am trying to psyche myself into shooting you if I have to and you want tractor parts.....

I knew those freakin' tractors were going to be trouble as soon as Gary started collecting them. The irony here....Gary only collects tractors he doesn't sell them or sell the parts! Go figure! He has six that is right 6 tractors. HELP ME!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

Monday, February 22, 2010

I thought they put a law in place,,,,

Hello People! How are you all doing? I hope this blog finds you well and that you are safe and most of all WARM! It is still snowing here and we are almost into March...freakin' groundhog seeing his shadow! I am so looking forward to SPRING!!!!

SO what has everybody been up to? I know this weather has been CRAZY for everyone in these United States, it doesn't matter where you live it is hitting us all...

I just came back from a trip to the southeast coast over in Florida! Daytona 500 it is a must see in person. The track is old and they don't have vendors walking up and down the isles like they do in Phoenix and Vegas BUT it is a nice track! Also you can BYOB in Daytona which I have never seen at any track before. ANYWAY....

the trip started out WRONG which should of been a clue then of what was to come. We flew out on US Airways and on the flight back we flew on United. TALK ABOUT ATTITUDE! Their so called customer service reps (ticket agents and gate people) are remarkable! Trust me that is sarcasm....they act like they are doing you a favor by allowing you to fly on there airline. NOT! United airlines policy is and I quote "we sell out the back of the plane first then we start moving forward and increase the price of the ticket." Gary and I had two different seats on the first part of the flight back and a layover in Denver...we asked if we could get different seats together, preferably isle seats, and close to each other since we were six (6) rows apart AND stuck in the middle. The 'ticket agent' said 'yes I can put you two together for an additional $49.00 each. See we have seats that have better leg room that you can purchase for an additional $49.00 each..." I know it was early in the morning but apparently she had been sipping on gin and juice if she thought that was actually a viable option! She said it with a straight face and a smile too...yeah she was seriously demented if she thought we were going to pay additional money on top of what we had already paid to fly in the first place, PLUS the $40.00 bucks they charged us to put our luggage on the plane! Who flies without luggage? SERIOUSLY! Then she says we could check at the gate and see if they showed anything different BUT the flight was full. I said what we can do is choose not to fly your airline again!!! She said well yes you do have a choice and I said yes and I choose not to fly with you again! I am sure that she put a flag on our names because little Miss Sunshine at the gate was SO helpful...she said she would put our names on a list and call if something changed. THEN she proceeded to call every stand-by person she could find (I think she even went out and was recruiting people waiting at other gates) and put them on the plane AND if they were a couple guess what???? YUP they were seated together in better seats! Yeah believe me when I say DO NOT FLY UNITED AIRLINES! THEN of course if you want to eat or drink on their airline it is also an additional costs and they take credit cards only! All I can say is that I am thankful that happened on the way home 'cause seriously! That is no way to start a vacation!!! It is no way to end a vacation either but they pretty much have you by the proverbial nuts at that point. You know what I mean?!

BUT speaking of the start of the vacation...we flew out on US Airways...what a lovely airline! NOT! We get to the airport and I have on 'layers' of we stand in line for the security people and they are just a joy aren't they?! Yeah right! As I go to walk through the metal detector machine they tell me I have to take off my sweatshirt. WTF?! My choices were to either, take off the sweatshirt or, be patted down by one of the TSA agents. Well that just sounds like LOADS OF FUN doesn't it?! SO I am standing in the middle of the airport trying to take off my sweatshirt without my undershirt coming up with it. JOY and RAPTURE! I walk through the detector collect ALL my clothes, shoes, purse, etc. and then we start off for the gate. We get there just before they start loading so we don't get anything to eat or drink. We get on the plane and there is some kind of trouble with the computer or something so even though we are ON the plane we are not going anywhere. We wait..and we wait...and we wait...a half hour goes bye-bye...then an hour...still waiting....and I am thinking didn't they put a law in place that says they are not allowed to keep you on a plane for an indefinite amount of time? TWO HOURS LATER we finally get pushed back from the gate to start the flight. After we take off the charming waitresses...I mean stewardesses start coming through with the beverages and 'food'. WELL they had drinks know how they start at the front of the plane and work their way back??? Well they got to about the middle of the plane and THEY RAN OUT OF FOOD! Can you say riot?! There was about to be one one that plane. I asked the waitress/stewardess, whatever, how is it possible for the to be out of food when we just took off and you have only gotten to half the plane? As I was asking her this question the lady next to me and the man behind me are yelling over me at the waitress/stewardess and she has her head down and is trying to explain. She says, "I am really sorry about this but we don't usually put food on the plane to equal the passengers we put a percentage based on the passengers...I am sorry." I said are kidding me, you have a FULL FLIGHT and you don't put food on the plane to feed each passenger, especially AFTER WE HAVE BEEN SITTING ON HERE FOR TWO HOURS! You had plenty of time to get more food put on the plane based on the SITUATION forget about the percentage! "I know I am sorry and I am doing the best I can we have never had this happen before, I am shaking...." Gee I guess we should feel sorry for her...but that is not the sentiment of the people on the plane... especially the man behind me with the wife and three (3) kids! Oh did I mention that US Airways charged us $54.00 to put our luggage on the plane? Yeah they did!

Since we sat on the tarmac for TWO (2) hours that made our flight get into Orlando two hours late which meant we missed our shuttle and gave my friend two more hours of drinking ,which of course made her unable to drive, which costs us an additional $35.00 to be taken from Daytona to New Smyrna Beach....I hate US Airways and UNITED! Seriously they suck!

BUT the bright spot of the whole thing....Jr. came in second and he came out of nowhere! It was GREAT! AND they did have some crashes..nobody went end over end or upside down but there were some pile ups, which is why most people go to the races anyway!!!:P)

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Funny how you think you have it bad....

Hello People! Long time no 'see'... how is every little thing with you? I hope this blog finds you well as can be in your circumstance. I must admit I could complain, actually I have tried to complain but every time I do that I always find out that my complaints fail in comparison to someone else.

It's funny how when you think you have it bad you find out someone else has it worst. What is that saying misery loves company? I seriously doubt it! Whether it's a little worst or a lot worst, someone else is always worst off than you thought you were. I was thinking "oh poor me, I don't have a job or money, blah blah blah"! My violin was getting a lot of use, if you know what I mean... THEN I heard about a friend whose house was broken into and their belongings stolen including Christmas gifts...can you imagine the trauma of that? You wake up thinking this is going to be a good day. You go off to do your daily routine and then you come home...a place you once felt safe and secure in...and find your door has been broken open...your things are missing! Someone has been in your house while you were not there and they have gone through your things your personal, private things....what did they do while they were in there? How long were they in there? Did anybody see them in there? What did they touch while they were in there? What else did they do beside take all they could carry? Security is now luxury you don't have it is a thing of the past and you try to fend off paranoia. WHAT'S THAT? WHO'S THERE?! Crazy its just the wind blowing and your cat moving around stealth like in the middle of the night as they usually do. But your mind plays tricks on you now every sound is magnified every shadow is the 'robbers' coming back for more...will you be able to truly rest in this house anymore?
It is a house longer feels like a home in the true sense of the word now does it? Will your stolen stuff be found...probably not.... BUT your one consolation here is that neither you nor your family members were home so no one was hurt or worst. Property can be replaced, the uneasy feeling you have will eventually subside and life will go on as 'normal'. AND yes although things seem bad for you believe it or not someone else has it worst. Sad isn't it, that even in this circumstance there is someone else who has it worst than you!

I was feeling sorry for myself about being unemployed and not being able to shop when I want to and pay ridiculous prices for sunglasses or shoes 'just cause'...but in the grand scheme of things compared to my friend and others who not only are unemployed but also homeless and situation??? Is that really something to feel sorry about?

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let it snow....NOT!

Hello People! How are you doing? I hope everything is fine with you and yours. It has been a while since I was on here. I THOUGHT I was going to be blogging more because my mom retired and I don't have a job so that means we would spending time with each other...which interprets into LOTS of stories! BUT it took her retirement a while to kick in and then it started snowing! It has been snowing more than usual for this time of year for this area lately. AMAZINGLY this is more like the snow storms I remember when I was growing up and we never got a snow day! BUT that is another story and me and my friends have had heated discussions on the whimpiness of the school district...oh I am sorry I mean the cautiousness of the school district.

ANYWAY since I have been stuck in the house since last Saturday it is starting to wear on my nerves and my patience. You know when you are around someone for a continuously LONG period of time even though you love them, they eventually become not so cute anymore. Every little sound they make, like breathing, becomes a complete annoyance and you just want to yell WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?! Of course they will say doing what? And your only response is that breathing in and out...STOP IT! But we are civilized people and we can't do that. SO we sit in silence mostly each jockeying for time on the coveted computer and hoping that the satellite service that operates the Internet doesn't go out because the dish is covered with snow! You think your time on the computer is more important than theirs even if you are only playing games and annoying people on facebook, that is more important than them sitting mindlessly in front of the computer looking at eBay contemplating things to buy. THEN they opt not to buy and you have to listen to them lament about how they should have bought the stupid oil can for $20.00 or the asinine gas pump handle with the buy it now price of $19.99 plus shipping because it is a rare find. BUT they don't buy it and you have to pretend to care that they are now in the throws of a fit because they thought the price would go higher but somebody bought it for $9.99! HELP ME! BUT wait there's more! Then you have things to do which you in an effort to 'share' tell them about and then they become obsessed with your chores. "Did you do your homework yet? You know you need to do your homework. You should get up right now and do your homework!" And you know you should......actually you don't say anything you just have conversations in your head about not sharing anymore because it just eventually gets used against you in the end!

ANYWAY... the sun is shinning today and although your mom previously forbid you to come to town with her "baby" in this bad weather, she calls you around noon and says "You know y'all could have came to town today." Are you kidding me?! "I am sure you guys could use some time out of the house, you have been stuck in there for a while now." REALLY?! At this point you just slump down in your chair and wonder why do you listen to your mother? I am 45 years old, married and taking care of my handicapped sister and I still listen to my mom because why? I'm getting old and I want to go to heaven. (Just kidding. I mean I do want to go to heaven but that is not why I listen to my mom. I listen to her because she is scary!) Bright note mom said that tomorrow we could probably make it in to town and just for something to do we could do some cooking or something. YAY! Oh wait tomorrow the BIG storm is suppose to hit! ....Oh well back to jockeying for the computer, sitting in silence and pretending to care....
I guess we are stuck here until....

I hope you all are staying warm, safe and most importantly BLESSED!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Well lets get this party started!

Hello people! How is your new year going so far? So far so good for me. I have had lunch with some friends and dinner with some more friends....AND I started exercising. CRAZY! I know it is.

I went to the Adult Center and signed up to use their facility it is a reasonable fee if you are not a senior citizen only $78.00 for a year but I got mine gratis because my mom is a VIP! Well I assume she is a VIP the county proclaimed January 5, 2010 and every year after her day! So I guess it is who you know that makes the difference.

ANYWAY...when you use this facility you have to meet with a trainer first, which I did yesterday, and she has to sign off that she has met you and shown you the proper use of the equipment. I should have known something was not right when I came in and she was massaging the feet of one of the people who was working out. I am really not a feet person so my initial response was EEEEWWWW! But I digress. SO she asked what I would like to accomplish, if I have ever worked out before etc. I have worked out before I use to kickbox which I actually enjoyed doing you have no idea how much better you feel after you beat and kick the crap out of a heavy bag! AND sometimes we got to beat and kick the crap out of somebody when we sparred! aaaahhhh those were the days! Now I have to work out by myself and it has been awhile so it is harder than I thought it would be. As the lady showed me around the facility I got a chance to get on the different machines and work on them so that she could make sure I understood how to use them. She told me that since I use to kickbox that ALL this stuff would be easy for me and my shape would come back faster than other people's because it is basically there just underneath some extra weight. Yeah right if you say so. After we went over what she considered to be the best possible routine for me (cardio every day and weight training twice a week) I got to use whatever machine I wanted on my own. I decided I would use the elliptical, it seemed harmless enough...NOT! Now the elliptical is situated so that in front of it are 4 treadmills... on these treadmills were two guys and two ladies. One younger lady and one older lady. The ladies were both reading as they calmly and smoothly with the greatest of ease at a steady fast pace walked on these treadmills. WOW is right! Or at least I thought it was a wow moment, I couldn't do it. SO I start on the elliptical and it is pretty easy until I remembered oh yeah I have to push start....and that is when the "fun" started. I had the controls, I THOUGHT, on an easy remember in front of me is an old lady and a young lady and they are not even breaking a sweat! I on the other hand am sweating like a pig and with each 30, yes that is THIRTY second interval I have to stop cause I can't breathe! I forgot (don't ask me how) that this was a MOVING machine SO just because YOU stop moving doesn't necessarily mean the machine is going to stop moving. Make note of that and remember it! I didn't. I managed to get 2 count them two minutes in on the elliptical machine in thirty second intervals. SAD! I almost threw myself off the machine once because I stopped moving and the machine didn't...

Today I went back to the "gym" and worked out for an hour and ten minutes! YAY! Not really now I can hardly move AND I tried the elliptical again, I am a bit hardheaded and obviously like to learn things the hard way. I almost threw myself off the elliptical machine twice today, (once if it had not been for the computer board in front of me I would have flown across the room. Fortunately I hit the board and only made a slightly audible sound from the wind being knocked out of me). The only thought that came to my mind was 'how embarrassing if I throw myself off this machine or hurt myself or pass out in here and they have to call an ambulance... the ambulance would come not doubt prepared to help an elderly person only to find me, the youngest person, in the room at this time on the floor writhing and gasping for air, while two elderly people lean over me trying to stop the convulsing or breathe life back into me!" I got this mental picture of a friend of mine who said that she ripped her knees up on the treadmill as she was attempting to put the safety key in the machine. The safety key is the key that you put in the machine so that if you do fall or something it will stop the machine. In her case she was in the process, basically reaching to put the key in, and fell on the machine which was set up close to the wall which meant she was wedge in on her knees with this machine running. Can you say serious strawberries! Of course her husband was no help because as she said his only contribution to the situation was to say, "What are you doing to yourself". Didn't stop the machine or help her up...he just wanted to know what she was "doing" to herself. They are getting a divorce now. I know its wrong BUT I have to admit when she told that story I had to laugh cause I could just picture the whole thing...and as karma would have it I just about did the same thing to myself with the elliptical machine. Of course instead of hurting my knees mine would have been my head being knocked, clunk...CLUNK... by the pedals of the machine as it slowed to a stop! OY! I am not discouraged though tomorrow I am going back on that machine and I am going to keep going to the gym everyday and using all the equipment she showed me until I am down to the size I want to be or they kick me out for being accident prone, whichever comes first!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010...the beginning

SO HELLO PEOPLE! HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is 2010 a new year, new beginnings and unlimited possibilities!

What is on your agenda for the new year? Anything exciting? I have said that I am going to start this year off exercising, perhaps try some yoga there is this guy that comes on at 5:00am he does this yoga exercise show (Inhale) it is on for an hour...looks pretty intense. I think it is for the 'advanced' yoga person but I might try it anyway. I'll let you know what happens...unless I get stuck in a position and end up in traction in which case I will just keep that to myself! I am also going to start working out that will give me something to do until the job kicks in or the book(s) gets written, either way I will be less likely to get any fatter than I already am! Can you say stay away from corduroy as you may start a fire from the friction from the thighs rubbing together? Yeah that is me!

Anyway...we went to a New Years eve party at the writers house (remember the writer I told you about previously?), they called it an old geezers party it started at 6pm and it was over at 9pm, we didn't really know WHERE it was actually midnight at 9pm? We all had ASSUMED it was New York, but a man from England who was there pointed out that at 9pm it would only be 11pm in New York (leave it to a foreigner to point out the obvious). Blimey! BUT anyway that is when we sang the New Years Song, I am sure that is not the name of it, but you know the one, "Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind...." then toasted the new year and went home. I guess that is as long as they (the old geezers) could hang out?! It worked out good for me cause I got to go home take a nap and then bring in the new year at midnight. CHEERS!

I have decided that this year I am going to "cut the grass" a term that I heard my cousin say. She said she wanted to cut the grass to see the snakes. But in my metaphor cutting the grass will be cutting down or out those people who are negative and drain your energy. I am going to concentrate on being positive I think it takes less energy. Besides I figure if you have been BLESSED to see 2010 considering all those who were not your negativity should be minimal to say the least. My other agenda item for the new year is to use my "nice words" you know the ones....please and thank you! Are those considered nice words or courtesy words? I went to church with Gary's daughter and the minister of the church said that we should use the opportunity given when someone says "thank you" to 'share' with them. He said that we should not look at saying thank you as an obligation when someone does something we should look at it as an opportunity to connect with them at that moment. That kind of goes along with something I started on my facebook site after reading this blurb from a friend, "What I re-learned is that the last time you saw someone could be...well...the last time you see them. So don't take that moment for granted live in that moment and sincerely engage that person. And if only through the sincerity of a genuine handshake or actual eye contact, let them know for that moment in were present with them and they mattered..." Words to live by I think!

With that said I am going to start using the nice words or courtesy words, so even if I do by chance happen to tell you off I will be sure to end it with "have a nice day"(inset smiley face)! I have a feeling that the hospital billing office will be the first to experience the "new" me later on this week. We have ONE hospital in the area where I live they are the only place to go should God forbid you have to go to a hospital. Their revenue I am sure is in the millions of dollars DAILY. I know this because I use to work there in the cash posting department so that is a statement of fact, and yet with ALL that money they can't seem to generate a statement to send me showing my balance due. BUT if I miss a payment they can call me and tell me it is my responsibility to make the payments whether or not I get a statement. Really?? I went in the hospital in May and I got one statement in June and I have not seen another statement since. If you can't send me a statement then I can't send you a payment, cause frankly if I don't see the bill I am not going to pay the bill. That is how I roll, out of sight out of mind. The lady told me that they send out statements monthly "unless they get hung up in the system". Now I know from working there that "the statements get hung up in the system" EVERY TIME THEY RUN THE STATEMENTS! Why you ask? Because they have a piece of crap program or system. It was made to work brilliantly for the doctors BUT for the billing department...hhhhmmmm not so much. They actually said that the billing portion of the program was an "after thought" and apparently they didn't think too much of it.

ANYWAY....see it is only day 2 in 2010 and I am already irritated just thinking about the stupidity that awaits!(insert shiver down the back!). BUT nevertheless my plan for 2010 is to be positive and to take note from my sister, you know the one who is mentally handicapped. Everyone who has met her says the same thing, "She is always so positive and smiling"! I took her to my friends restaurant/deli and she said, that as she stood their doing her work she couldn't stop smiling when she looked at my sister cause my sister just had this big smile on her face....ALL THE TIME! When I took my sister to physical therapy for her knee the physical therapist and the receptionist said that their faces hurt when she came in because she made them laugh and smile because she laughed and smiled the whole time! If people are going to remember you for something wouldn't that be a cool thing to be remembered for, how much you made people laugh and smile?! I think so.

NOW I am not saying that I am going to go around 2010 smiling and laughing cause those of you who read this and know me knows that would be scary. AND half of you would probably wonder how many people did I either rip their face off, injure or kill to smile like the smiling thing will only be when sincere. Laughter is good medicine so I may burst out laughing just to thwart off the impulse to rip someone's face off...BUT the point is I am going to make it a point to be better! I am good but I can always be better and so can you!

2010 is just beginning the possibilities are endless so lets see what we can accomplish by the time they sing the News Years song for 2011.

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie