Thursday, February 11, 2010

Funny how you think you have it bad....

Hello People! Long time no 'see'... how is every little thing with you? I hope this blog finds you well as can be in your circumstance. I must admit I could complain, actually I have tried to complain but every time I do that I always find out that my complaints fail in comparison to someone else.

It's funny how when you think you have it bad you find out someone else has it worst. What is that saying misery loves company? I seriously doubt it! Whether it's a little worst or a lot worst, someone else is always worst off than you thought you were. I was thinking "oh poor me, I don't have a job or money, blah blah blah"! My violin was getting a lot of use, if you know what I mean... THEN I heard about a friend whose house was broken into and their belongings stolen including Christmas gifts...can you imagine the trauma of that? You wake up thinking this is going to be a good day. You go off to do your daily routine and then you come home...a place you once felt safe and secure in...and find your door has been broken open...your things are missing! Someone has been in your house while you were not there and they have gone through your things your personal, private things....what did they do while they were in there? How long were they in there? Did anybody see them in there? What did they touch while they were in there? What else did they do beside take all they could carry? Security is now luxury you don't have it is a thing of the past and you try to fend off paranoia. WHAT'S THAT? WHO'S THERE?! Crazy its just the wind blowing and your cat moving around stealth like in the middle of the night as they usually do. But your mind plays tricks on you now every sound is magnified every shadow is the 'robbers' coming back for more...will you be able to truly rest in this house anymore?
It is a house longer feels like a home in the true sense of the word now does it? Will your stolen stuff be found...probably not.... BUT your one consolation here is that neither you nor your family members were home so no one was hurt or worst. Property can be replaced, the uneasy feeling you have will eventually subside and life will go on as 'normal'. AND yes although things seem bad for you believe it or not someone else has it worst. Sad isn't it, that even in this circumstance there is someone else who has it worst than you!

I was feeling sorry for myself about being unemployed and not being able to shop when I want to and pay ridiculous prices for sunglasses or shoes 'just cause'...but in the grand scheme of things compared to my friend and others who not only are unemployed but also homeless and situation??? Is that really something to feel sorry about?

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

1 comment:

  1. Look at you all grown up and stuff, only grown ups see the world from that point of view. Go head baby sister!!! Cece
