Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let it snow....NOT!

Hello People! How are you doing? I hope everything is fine with you and yours. It has been a while since I was on here. I THOUGHT I was going to be blogging more because my mom retired and I don't have a job so that means we would spending time with each other...which interprets into LOTS of stories! BUT it took her retirement a while to kick in and then it started snowing! It has been snowing more than usual for this time of year for this area lately. AMAZINGLY this is more like the snow storms I remember when I was growing up and we never got a snow day! BUT that is another story and me and my friends have had heated discussions on the whimpiness of the school district...oh I am sorry I mean the cautiousness of the school district.

ANYWAY since I have been stuck in the house since last Saturday it is starting to wear on my nerves and my patience. You know when you are around someone for a continuously LONG period of time even though you love them, they eventually become not so cute anymore. Every little sound they make, like breathing, becomes a complete annoyance and you just want to yell WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?! Of course they will say doing what? And your only response is that breathing in and out...STOP IT! But we are civilized people and we can't do that. SO we sit in silence mostly each jockeying for time on the coveted computer and hoping that the satellite service that operates the Internet doesn't go out because the dish is covered with snow! You think your time on the computer is more important than theirs even if you are only playing games and annoying people on facebook, that is more important than them sitting mindlessly in front of the computer looking at eBay contemplating things to buy. THEN they opt not to buy and you have to listen to them lament about how they should have bought the stupid oil can for $20.00 or the asinine gas pump handle with the buy it now price of $19.99 plus shipping because it is a rare find. BUT they don't buy it and you have to pretend to care that they are now in the throws of a fit because they thought the price would go higher but somebody bought it for $9.99! HELP ME! BUT wait there's more! Then you have things to do which you in an effort to 'share' tell them about and then they become obsessed with your chores. "Did you do your homework yet? You know you need to do your homework. You should get up right now and do your homework!" And you know you should......actually you don't say anything you just have conversations in your head about not sharing anymore because it just eventually gets used against you in the end!

ANYWAY... the sun is shinning today and although your mom previously forbid you to come to town with her "baby" in this bad weather, she calls you around noon and says "You know y'all could have came to town today." Are you kidding me?! "I am sure you guys could use some time out of the house, you have been stuck in there for a while now." REALLY?! At this point you just slump down in your chair and wonder why do you listen to your mother? I am 45 years old, married and taking care of my handicapped sister and I still listen to my mom because why? I'm getting old and I want to go to heaven. (Just kidding. I mean I do want to go to heaven but that is not why I listen to my mom. I listen to her because she is scary!) Bright note mom said that tomorrow we could probably make it in to town and just for something to do we could do some cooking or something. YAY! Oh wait tomorrow the BIG storm is suppose to hit! ....Oh well back to jockeying for the computer, sitting in silence and pretending to care....
I guess we are stuck here until....

I hope you all are staying warm, safe and most importantly BLESSED!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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