Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010...the beginning

SO HELLO PEOPLE! HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is 2010 a new year, new beginnings and unlimited possibilities!

What is on your agenda for the new year? Anything exciting? I have said that I am going to start this year off exercising, perhaps try some yoga there is this guy that comes on at 5:00am he does this yoga exercise show (Inhale) it is on for an hour...looks pretty intense. I think it is for the 'advanced' yoga person but I might try it anyway. I'll let you know what happens...unless I get stuck in a position and end up in traction in which case I will just keep that to myself! I am also going to start working out that will give me something to do until the job kicks in or the book(s) gets written, either way I will be less likely to get any fatter than I already am! Can you say stay away from corduroy as you may start a fire from the friction from the thighs rubbing together? Yeah that is me!

Anyway...we went to a New Years eve party at the writers house (remember the writer I told you about previously?), they called it an old geezers party it started at 6pm and it was over at 9pm, we didn't really know WHERE it was actually midnight at 9pm? We all had ASSUMED it was New York, but a man from England who was there pointed out that at 9pm it would only be 11pm in New York (leave it to a foreigner to point out the obvious). Blimey! BUT anyway that is when we sang the New Years Song, I am sure that is not the name of it, but you know the one, "Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind...." then toasted the new year and went home. I guess that is as long as they (the old geezers) could hang out?! It worked out good for me cause I got to go home take a nap and then bring in the new year at midnight. CHEERS!

I have decided that this year I am going to "cut the grass" a term that I heard my cousin say. She said she wanted to cut the grass to see the snakes. But in my metaphor cutting the grass will be cutting down or out those people who are negative and drain your energy. I am going to concentrate on being positive I think it takes less energy. Besides I figure if you have been BLESSED to see 2010 considering all those who were not your negativity should be minimal to say the least. My other agenda item for the new year is to use my "nice words" you know the ones....please and thank you! Are those considered nice words or courtesy words? I went to church with Gary's daughter and the minister of the church said that we should use the opportunity given when someone says "thank you" to 'share' with them. He said that we should not look at saying thank you as an obligation when someone does something we should look at it as an opportunity to connect with them at that moment. That kind of goes along with something I started on my facebook site after reading this blurb from a friend, "What I re-learned is that the last time you saw someone could be...well...the last time you see them. So don't take that moment for granted live in that moment and sincerely engage that person. And if only through the sincerity of a genuine handshake or actual eye contact, let them know for that moment in were present with them and they mattered..." Words to live by I think!

With that said I am going to start using the nice words or courtesy words, so even if I do by chance happen to tell you off I will be sure to end it with "have a nice day"(inset smiley face)! I have a feeling that the hospital billing office will be the first to experience the "new" me later on this week. We have ONE hospital in the area where I live they are the only place to go should God forbid you have to go to a hospital. Their revenue I am sure is in the millions of dollars DAILY. I know this because I use to work there in the cash posting department so that is a statement of fact, and yet with ALL that money they can't seem to generate a statement to send me showing my balance due. BUT if I miss a payment they can call me and tell me it is my responsibility to make the payments whether or not I get a statement. Really?? I went in the hospital in May and I got one statement in June and I have not seen another statement since. If you can't send me a statement then I can't send you a payment, cause frankly if I don't see the bill I am not going to pay the bill. That is how I roll, out of sight out of mind. The lady told me that they send out statements monthly "unless they get hung up in the system". Now I know from working there that "the statements get hung up in the system" EVERY TIME THEY RUN THE STATEMENTS! Why you ask? Because they have a piece of crap program or system. It was made to work brilliantly for the doctors BUT for the billing department...hhhhmmmm not so much. They actually said that the billing portion of the program was an "after thought" and apparently they didn't think too much of it.

ANYWAY....see it is only day 2 in 2010 and I am already irritated just thinking about the stupidity that awaits!(insert shiver down the back!). BUT nevertheless my plan for 2010 is to be positive and to take note from my sister, you know the one who is mentally handicapped. Everyone who has met her says the same thing, "She is always so positive and smiling"! I took her to my friends restaurant/deli and she said, that as she stood their doing her work she couldn't stop smiling when she looked at my sister cause my sister just had this big smile on her face....ALL THE TIME! When I took my sister to physical therapy for her knee the physical therapist and the receptionist said that their faces hurt when she came in because she made them laugh and smile because she laughed and smiled the whole time! If people are going to remember you for something wouldn't that be a cool thing to be remembered for, how much you made people laugh and smile?! I think so.

NOW I am not saying that I am going to go around 2010 smiling and laughing cause those of you who read this and know me knows that would be scary. AND half of you would probably wonder how many people did I either rip their face off, injure or kill to smile like the smiling thing will only be when sincere. Laughter is good medicine so I may burst out laughing just to thwart off the impulse to rip someone's face off...BUT the point is I am going to make it a point to be better! I am good but I can always be better and so can you!

2010 is just beginning the possibilities are endless so lets see what we can accomplish by the time they sing the News Years song for 2011.

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

1 comment:

  1. Mattie,
    What happened to your nice words when talking about the hospital billing system. Call me on monday I'll see what I can do! I hope your having the bests 2010, I certainly am!
