Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Way I See It....

Hello People! How are you doing? I hope this blog finds you well...MERRY CHRISTMAS in case I don't get back on here before then but I am sure that I will but....

Anyway I have been thinking about some conversations I have had with some people lately and it amazes me the thought process of people, especially those people who want you to believe they are believers in Christ and follow his teachings. I just sit dumb struck at some of the things that come out of their mouths. I have a Facebook account and I read little notes my"friends" put on there walls...little things to inspire them or whoever may be reading it. Some of the notes are interesting some are insightful, and depending whose writing them some are hilarious! Of course the hilarious ones would be MINE! Just kidding. BUT I digress...

So back to my observation, in conversations with different people who claim to be "Christian" I find their comments to be anything but Christian and I find it funny that they put themselves out there as such. For example... one conversation in general consisted of a person telling me how they don't trust some people, how these people are not trustworthy and so they guard what they say when they are around them. Why? "Because you know how they are they will turn on you in a minute and twist your words around to make themselves look good." The way I see it if you seriously think you have to guard your words when speaking around ANYONE perhaps it is what YOU are saying that warrants the caution and not the people around you. Just a thought. I find it hard to believe that those who believe in Jesus Christ would be worried about anyone or anything because the Bible tells us that "No weapon formed against me shall prosper..." Isaiah 54:17 (No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,... (King James version) no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. (Today's New International Version) But you will find in the coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord, their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord have spoken! (New Living Translation (application study Bible)). SO why the suspension of "some people". And mind you the "Christian" is the one who is suspicious... I don't get it. BUT maybe its just me...

In another conversation I was talking to someone about someone who had professed to being an atheist all their life, then some recent events caused them to change their thinking on a lot of things and the existence of God was one of them. I thought how exciting! Not only has this person realized that they were misguided in their thinking BUT now they have come to a realization that God has been waiting for them all along with NO JUDGMENT whatsoever. In the conversation my Christian friend asked who had baptized this person. I told them and then they were concerned or asked whether or not the person performing the baptism was a person of the cloth. You know someone with authority to perform such a task. I said I ASSUME he is otherwise I don't think the church would have allowed him to do the baptism. The "Christian's' response..."they are pagan ha ha". Interesting conclusion to come to based on so little information. The way I see it the Bible tells us that "There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. (There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. New Living Translation(application study Bible)) one Lord, one faith, one baptism (Today's New International Version) (One Lord, one faith, one baptism (King James Version)) Interesting no matter what Bible you look on this subject the translation is the same. Now since there is only one Lord, one faith and one baptism who are you to call the ceremony pagan? Especially if you weren't there and you don't know what was said or did BEFORE they were dunked in the water. I don't get it. BUT maybe it's just me....

The other comment that caused me to pause was "The world today you can do anything if you have money..." I am sure we all know that you cannot buy your way into heaven, you cannot work your way into heaven, you cannot negotiate your way in...there is only one way in and that is through Jesus Christ and accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. Again...I find it interesting that in today's world people are so quick to judge and those who name the name of Christ and have nothing to fear....seem to be so fearful! If it is not as they believe then there is something wrong with it....SAD! But maybe its just me....

I see a lot of those who name the name of Christ being judgmental or critical of some many people and I find it sad, because with the way the world is now....EVERYBODY is looking for something to believe in...something to hold on to. SO why are we so quick to criticize or judge what somebody else is doing? NOW if you know for sure what they are doing or saying is suspect or contrary to the Bible....SPEAK UP!

BUT the way I see it....if you don't know then don't jump to conclusions...if you feel you can't speak your mind because of "some people" perhaps you shouldn't be talking in the first place. We should all take another look at our selves and ask our selves...what would Jesus do? And then follow that lead!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie


  1. No, hon -- I don't think it's just you. I have similar issues within my faith groups, too. For example, when I was still in NY, a friend who had a Wiccan/Pagan shop in Poughkeepsie "refuses to sell anything Christian because they're responsible for the witch hunts and burnings." My answer to that is, we are all a part of each other. We are bretheren / sisters here. We may not understand each others ways, even disagree, but we all stem from the same Creator.

    Jesus was Mary's son. He's as much a part of the Ancient Mother as all of us. I found that woman's conviction bigoted, selfish, and immature. I called her on it and explained that She would want us all to forgive and embrace each other.

    Everyone has a different take on their faith. That's why there are 50 different sects of Christianity, 40 different sects of Islam, etc. For me, as long as we don't hurt each other or ourselves, we'll all be okay.

    You rock, Ms. Mattie! Keep up the great work! You're a credit to your Lord. :)

  2. From now on, I'm just going to wait until Ray comments and then say, "Well said!"

    Liz :)
