Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mequite...I don't know what to say

Hello People! Merry Christmas...Happy Hanukkah and all the "other" holidays that fall into this time of year...I am sure some of you who I usually bombard with my emails may remember the above mentioned title...some of you who are reading my blogs may find what comes next shocking... its just me! ANYWAY... I find it hard to believe it has been a year since this debauchery took place...usually I change the names or don't use names but this time I think I have to leave the names in so that you get the gist of the apologies to those named in the incidents... I will spread this over three (3) days just as I did when I first sent it.. enjoy! AND it just so happens I was baking cookies today, oatmeal/raisin and walnut and chocolate chip w/walnuts and pecans.

MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANUKKAH and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope all your Christmas/Hanukkah wishes come true and that you have a very prosperous new year!!!!
Okay enough of that crap... SO I went to Mesquite last weekend or the weekend before... I can't remember which and I don't remember much of that weekend either... BUT here is what I do remember....
Gary and I went to Mesquite for Carrie's birthday, now Carrie is Scottie's wife and Scottie is a friend of Gary's they worked together for a while I believe Gary gave Scottie his first job in the golf industry and since that day they have been husband and wife... I mean you can rest assured they are close so close that if you kicked Gary in the ass you will break Scottie's nose! THAT is how close they are.. anyway... Carrie turned 50 the big Five 0 on her birthday and she was suppose to have a surprise birthday party BUT that didn't happen because Carrie is so nosy she checks her husband's cellphone and she just happened to get a message from one of her brothers that was left for Scottie saying, "Is this suppose to be a surprise birthday party for Carrie?" Obviously at that point the surprise was over!
Now a little history here... When I first met Gary he took me to Oregon to meet his friend Scottie and his wife Carrie, it was Carrie's 40th birthday party... Gary, Leonard and I flew to Portland for this event and needless to say since then we have all been 'friends'... "associates".... well anyway... we have known each other for 10 years. This little group consists of Ron and Donna, they live in Santa Rosa, CA, Scottie and Carrie they live in Mesquite, NV transplants from Portland, OR, Leonard who is 89 lives in Vegas and has been Gary's friend FOR-EV-ER, and Gary and I. I am the youngest of this group and Black...this is significant to part of the story....
ANYWAY... when I first met Carrie she was celebrating her 40th a matter of fact she had been celebrating her birthday since the sun came up on that day...SCARY...during the actual 'party' portion of Carrie's birthday she was passed out on the couch...but I digress...before she passed out Carrie made a point of asking me these questions several times, (Carrie) "How old are you?" (Me) I am 35. (Carrie) "You're dating Gary?" (Me) Yes I am. (Carrie) "How old is Gary?" (Me) He is older than 35. (Carrie) "Do you sleep with him? (Me) Isn't that kind of personal? (Carrie) "Is it good?" (Me) Is Scottie good? I heard these same questions several times along with these statements, "My mom left my dad when we were kids for a BLACK MAN!" "Did you know that my mom left my dad for a BLACK MAN when we were little?" Now this obviously had an affect on Carrie and her brothers and let's just say it wasn't a positive one... SO time progresses and we move on, (we celebrate Leonard's 80th birthday with a big party in Vegas, everybody comes to my wedding, we go to Santa Rosa for Scottie's 40th birthday and Ron and Donna's son's wedding, etc.)... well we try to move on but this mom left my dad for a BLACK MAN is still a source of contention for Carrie...UNTIL we are trapped in the car on the way to Santa, Rosa for Ron and Donna's son's wedding, (Scottie and Carrie flew in from Oregon, Gary, Leonard and I flew in from Vegas) we met in Oakland and drove up to Santa Rosa and we are stuck in traffic and Carrie brings up this mom thing again and at this point I have had about enough of I say, Carrie let me ask you this question. You keep saying EVERY TIME you see me that your mom left your dad for a BLACK MAN. That is really sad. BUT the question is would it have made a difference if the man had been WHITE? Dead silence in the car... except for Scottie who likes to keep up trouble, he chimes in and says "YEAH Carrie would that have made a difference?" I said SHUT UP SCOTTIE! I said Carrie the fact of the matter is, your mom left your dad for another man the color of his skin is irrelevant so GET OVER IT AND DO NOT MENTION THIS TO ME AGAIN!! OR I AM GOING TO HURT YOU! The remainder of the trip in the car was quiet, but the wedding and birthday party were a different story... YEAH ANYWAY...Scottie and Gary kept in touch, they would play in golf tournaments together, we would meet in Vegas once in a while, etc., but we didn't actually see them (Scottie, Carrie, Ron, Donna and Leonard) that often after that... until now...
SO... we get to Vegas we pick up Leonard whom Gary hasn't actually seen in 5 years or more...and the first thing Leonard says to me is "Boy Mattie when you married Gary my life sure did change..." Now this statement is one that I am still not sure how it should be taken... As I said earlier Gary and Leonard have been friends forever and they did everything together... when Gary married me that left Leonard alone in Vegas...Leonard eventually married a lady who consequently has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's due to her suffering with Alzheimer's she has become very abusive towards Leonard, kicking him, spitting on him, hitting and throwing things at him, not allowing him any contact with ANY of his friends, accusing him of cheating on her, etc. (Now do you see why am I not sure how I am suppose to take the comment "since you married Gary my life sure did change.") SAD! Leonard did move out of the marital residence and into a retirement/assisted living place and subsequently contacted Gary... Once Leonard and Gary were in the Jeep together it was like old times, they were talking and talking and talking AND TALKING all the way to Mesquite... all I was thinking was BOY DO I NEED A DRINK!
I have to get the cookies out of the oven...I'll be right back....

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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