Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The last of the Mesquite drama!

Well here is the last installment of the Mesquite drama....it was an insane weekend and you really had to be there...

Well sorry for the long interlude... since I live out on the north forty I have encountered problems with my satellite... I have satellite for the Internet and for my television....needless to say they both froze when it rained and then snowed and so my contact with the outside world has been/was cut off....ANYBODY OUT THERE?!

SO on with the story.... where was I? Oh yeah God was having mercy on me! Thank you GOD!

The next morning (Saturday the day of the party) I am rolling around in the bed praying God please do NOT let me throw up! PLEASE DON'T LET ME THROW UP! Gary gets up and he proceeds to tell me what a horrendous ass I was the night before... He says, "I bet you don't remember taking off your clothes do you? I bet you don't remember getting up in the middle of the night and going to the bathroom and FALLING ASLEEP on the toilet do you? Yeah you did that several times... I woke up and you weren't in the bed I would start looking for you only to find you passed out on the toilet...I bet you don't remember farting or THINKING it was a fart do you?" At this point I say Gary SHUT THE FUCK UP! I did not do any of those things you are talking about and I DO.... NOT remember last night but you are making it up! LIAR! I have only passed out once on a toilet and that was at a Denny’s on New Years I don't remember the year. Vodka was involved SHUT UP! He just laughs and says I know what happened you don't... if it didn't happen then tell me...where is your underwear... then he calls my sister and tells her... HATE HIM!

I had Gary go and get me some Alka-Seltzer and 7-Up you know cause they are good for you. Then we go eat and I order LOTS of food and with each timid bite I whisper...God please don't let me throw up... we are in a restaurant and it would not be good... I eat as much as I can literally stomach and we go get ready for the party... PARTY...YAY!!!! HELP ME!

SO we go to the party there are LOTS of people there... Scottie's dad & mom, brothers & wives, Carrie's brothers & wives, Ron and Donna... other friends of Scottie and Carries and us (Gary, Leonard and I)...OH and Carrie's sons... food, drinks and fun...everybody is saying Mattie there is PLENTY of Heineken in the frig...why are you drinking 7-Up? Well....lets not go there okay... I got to meet Scottie's parents they are the coolest people despite having a dork for a son... Scottie is Greek I believe BUT he has red hair, he has fair skin and I think blue or green eyes... they maybe brown... I don't know... that doesn't really scream GREEK now does it?! (I call Scottie Paleface). Scottie says to me, "be nice to my parents" Scottie! Why wouldn't I be nice to your parents I don't even know them... I actually feel sorry for them having YOU as a son... I like your parents its YOU I don't like...thank you very much... Scottie's dad was standing there during this conversation and he chimes in and says, "YEAH! I don't like you either son"... I thought that was some funny shit right there... Scottie's dad told me that he had heard a lot about me... the smile on my face kind of faded considering who would be giving him the information (Scottie) I was not sure if what he had heard was good or bad...but he said "It is really nice to meet you!"...ANYWAY...the party goes on and people who were present at the 40th birthday party are all saying the same thing when they come in the house..."Carrie are you alright? Still standing I see..." It was nice to see her vertical cause that was not the case at the 40th... we didn't let her forget it either... It came time to sing Happy Birthday and Scottie asked Leonard to sing... SO Leonard starts singing and everybody joins in and there is a look of disappointment on Leonard's face... apparently he thought he was going to be the only one singing....NOT! WELL Carrie, not wanting Leonard to feel bad when she finds out that he thought the birthday song was for him to sing alone, says since he didn't get to sing alone he could sing now...Leonard breaks into his version of 'Danny Boy' which he lovingly sings while looking longingly into Carrie's BLOODSHOT EYES! He sang another song for her or to her... I don't remember the name of it... Danny Boy sticks in my mind because by all appearances it seems it is a song for a "boy"... (L remember that time we went to Vegas and your friend and Leonard were singing songs one after the other...after the other...yeah dejavu).

Well they had some football games on but the sound is off on the game and music is playing, Scottie and Carrie have this stereo system hooked up in their home with speakers inside and outside... NOW the last time I went to Scottie and Carrie's house one of my all time favorite songs came on... Phil Collins In the Air Tonight...LOVE that song! I turned up the volume on the outside speakers which you apparently aren't suppose to do if someone is "playing through"...needless to say the golfers hurried up and finished that hole and left! WELL as good fortune would have it the song came on again... "Well I remember...I remember don't worry...worry...worry...how could I ever forget...its the first time...the last time...we ever met...oh I know why you keep the silence up ...no you don't fool me... well the hurt doesn't show but the pain still grows no stranger to you and me..." NOW INSERT THE MOST INSANE BASS AND DRUM intro ever in the history of music... sing along... oh I can feel it coming in the air tonight. OH LORD... I LOVE THAT SONG! I don't know all the words but I know I LOVE....LOVE that song... ANYWAY when it came on this time Carrie and I were dancing around on the patio while everybody looked at us as if to say "there is an unsettling disturbance in the force" these two don't get along more than 10 minutes at a time and now they are dancing together.... HELL MUST HAVE FROZEN OVER! Hell did not freeze it is just Phil Collins... LOVE HIM! Hey doesn't Phil Collins look like that monkey on Shock he Monkey? You know that song by Peter Gabriel SHOCK THE MONKEY! SHOCK THE MONKEY! Okay....anyway.... the party starts to thin out people are leaving Scottie's dad comes over to me says he is leaving and I reach out to shake his hand while saying nice to meet you! Scottie's dad is not a hand shaker apparently as I was pulled forward and down for a hug.... I said OH YOU WANT A HUG! I'll remember that next time... I started drinking a little but not as much as I had the night before... We left after Carrie opened her gifts... I gave Carrie's brothers a hug which I didn't do at the 40th birthday party because they like Carrie were/are hung up on the BLACK MAN thing... SO you know all BLACK people... okay whatever... all in all it was a good time... once my stomach stopped bubbling...

We met some other friends of ours in Vegas for breakfast they are from New Zealand... I love their accents! Elaine said "we went on holiday to New Zealand and Australia and I got to see my nieces and nephews, sisters and brothers whom I haven't seen in years...I was holding my one nephew while we were on this ferry so he wouldn't fall into the 'drink'..." Now we would say so he wouldn't fall into the water but she said the DRINK... ah proper English is so nice to hear....

ALL RIGHT PEOPLE that is it for now...I am sorry again for the delay in finishing the story... who knew that if your satellite dish froze you couldn't get a signal?

Remember that Jesus is the reason for this season.... and to be kinder than necessary and smile for know reason.... this will make people wonder what the hell is wrong with you!

Merry Christmas!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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