Monday, December 14, 2009 Let's continue with Mesquite I don't know what to say....

Today I made short bread cookies...well there are suppose to be cookies they look like rocks....BUT don't tell anybody! Day 2 of the Mesquite saga......the plot thickens... or is that sickens.....

SO.... where was I? Oh yeah we are in the Jeep driving to Mesquite...
We get to Mesquite we check in at the hotel and we get settled...a couple of hours go by and we decide its time to make our appearance at Scottie and Carrie's (this is Friday evening/night, Scottie told us if we want to see Carrie vertical we should come a day early... so we did). When we get to the house we send Leonard up to the door to knock since Carrie is not expecting Leonard... there is no answer...DAMN she is drunk already... we try to door and it opens...we go in and THANK GOD they we out on the golf course. Scottie and Carrie's house sits on the 7th or 8th hole... and they are out at the hole putting... Leonard walks out and yells at them...Scottie yells "get out of my damn house!" AAAAHHHHHH the good ol' days are here again... Carrie comes over and she gives Leonard a BIG hug and then she gives me a hug AND a kiss on the cheek....eeeeewwwwwww!!!!! SOMEBODY SHOOT ME NOW! Apparently age has made her a sensitive drunk....HELP ME! SO we all sit down out on the patio and Carrie starts filling Leonard in on ALL that has happened since we last saw him..."Remember Ron and Donna's son whose wedding we went to? Well he was in the mortgage business and he bought this MILLION DOLLAR home which he couldn't afford...his mortgage payments are SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS a month and he is not making that much...SO Ron and Donna have taken out loans to help him....they could be retired but since they are helping him out who knows when they will be able to retire son Cory got a DUI and he almost lost his job...but he is such a good worker his boss let him stay with him during the time his license was suspended even though they are not suppose to do that... then my other son Kyle moved back from Oregon, he had moved back to Oregon when we were in Vegas he was afraid of the kids at the school he was at he thought they were going to kill him so he went to live with his dad, so now I have both my sons here and I don't think they are ever going to leave.... I got a new job I start on Monday working for a flooring company full time... yadda, yadda, yadda..." in the meantime Jeff has shown up a friend of Scottie and Gary's he lives in Payson he has his own business. Jeff's brother Bob, introduced Scottie to Gary.... Carrie's mouth is still going kind of like the energizer bunny...just keeps going and going and going.... SHUT UP is what I am thinking but its her party she can talk if she wants to!

Believe it or not it was cold in Mesquite SO we moved into the house...aside from Carrie's brother...we (Gary, Leonard, Jeff and I) are the only other people there... so we sit at the breakfast bar and drink and talk... Jeff and I are drinking beers...Scottie is trying to force us to drink this "quality" tequila that he was given by his Mexican OH I AM SORRY his Hispanic friend...the name of the tequila is "TRADITIONAL"... now Jeff and I are wondering why Scottie is not drinking this himself and when asked he says because he has to get up early tomorrow (Saturday) to get things done for the party... SO after a couple of taunts we take the bait and we start drinking shots of "TRADITIONAL!" NASTY is more like it...but we do two or three or something I don't remember... Carrie cooks dinner and anyone who wants to eat eats..... she makes spaghetti with Italian sausage... everybody eats but myself and Jeff...well except for Gary too WHO proceeds to go over to the pot of spaghetti and sticks his fingers in and pulls out some and drops it in his mouth... WHAT THE @$%&! Gary you don't stick your hands/fingers in someones food and 'pick' out some... this is not a turkey it is not Thanksgiving...this is their dinner and everybody hasn't eaten and you are picking in their food?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND! I need another beer....ANYWAY... one of the topics of conversation is how did you all we are telling Jeff that we met at Carrie's 40th birthday party and this is a reunion of sorts since we haven't all been together like this in a long time... I tell Jeff about my first encounter with Carrie her questions and statements to remember those right about...Is Gary good... my mom left my dad....WELL at this point in life I have learned to laugh about the awkwardness of the situation with Carrie and we have moved forward...unfortunately other people do not see the humor here and become angry....angry at Carrie for being, "stupid". NOW Jeff proceeds to go off on Carrie saying that she had no right to say those things to me she should not have been harping on the BLACK MAN thing around me because it was not my fault... I mean Jeff was HEATED!! Carrie was apologizing up and down and saying "I can't help that was the way I was raised and I know better now I know it was a stupid thing to say..." I am laughing because I am thinking if anyone should be offended or upset about what happened it should be me...but this man is taking it personal like it happened to him... I said HEY Carrie you don't have to apologize to me for how you were raised... it is not your fault you were raised to be ignorant... you have matured and gotten over it...DO NOT APOLOGIZE...SERIOUSLY!! SO... we FINALLY leave Scottie and Carrie's and say we'll be back tomorrow around 2'ish...
We get back to the hotel and Jeff is saying that there is a poker tournament tomorrow at 11:00 a.m., I said I would think about going.... I have had WAY too much to drink and NOTHING to eat... the hotel where we are staying has a poker room so we (Jeff and I) put our names in...because there is a wait... they call my name and I go sit down cards are dealt...the bidding starts and ALL I remember is looking at this man next to me who folded and saying to him... "OH COME ON YOU BIG CHICKEN! WHY DON'T YOU BET!!!!! then I started making chicken sounds...." The rest of the game was a blur...I do know that I scared everyone at the table and had I been a little bit more sober I could have run the table BUT since I was a little too drunk to be there in the first place... I got put off the table.... I staggered to my room with Gary's help... I prayed to God almighty that I would not have to pray to the porcelain god later... I don't remember going to bed... I know the next day I woke up with NOTHING on! Well there was my underwear...but we won't talk about them... I didn't become vertical until around noon... I called on God a lot that morning...and I am sure throughout the night before.... but... ANYWAY...
OH CRAP COOKIES.... I'll be back....
See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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