Sunday, April 7, 2013

Then what you should do...say THANK YOU!

Hello People!

How the heck have you been?!  I am sitting here watching 60 Minutes they are interviewing the families of the Sandy Hook tragedy.  The parents are talking about their children and the void that is left since they were taken.  The adults that lost their lives in an effort to save the lives of some children whether willingly or unwillingly, someone's child is here because of their efforts.  I was listening to them talk you can hear the heartache and pain in their voices.

Everyone is put on this planet for a reason it is sad when you realize that some of them where put here to be victims of horrendous crimes.  The moral of the story? I have no idea....BUT the one thing we can do is to remember them and pray for their families, especially when they pop into your minds. You should be truly THANKFUL that you were put on this earth to be something AWESOME!!!!

I have been thinking about writing a blog for awhile in regards to some of the things that I have heard recently.  I think the heart of most people has gone out of them and bitterness has set in where love should be.  Most people are probably thinking I am the LAST person on earth that should be talking about LOVE. Perhaps this is true and perhaps not.  BUT either way you look at it, some of the things that I have heard makes me sad and made me question whether or not people have feelings anymore or is everyone just about themselves now?!? Is it a me! ME! ME world now?  In one conversation in discussing the helicopter crash that happened in Flagstaff a few years ago a comment was made in regards to one of the people who died in the crash. I was told "I knew there was justice in the world when he died in that helicopter crash...cause he had been cheating on his time for a LONG time. He would come into work, clock in and then go sit down in the cafeteria and have lunch with his wife for an hour while still on the clock."  WOW! Really you think milking the clock is a crime punishable by death? Seriously?!  I have heard similar sayings in regards to other people who have died and prior to death had done some offense that someone thought DEATH was justice for their indiscretion.  It is amazing to me how some people, and believe it or not it is more of them than you know, who find relief, justice and/or humor in someone else's pain.  It is unbelievable to me that people would do that BUT they do!!!! SHOCKED! Sad as this maybe you should always try to look for the positive in every situation.  Just sayin' no matter how bad it is or you think it is, it could always be worst.

AND for the record, my interpretation of how Karma works is like this 'whatever you do to someone the SAME thing will be done to you OR something in the same vein. DEATH would not be 'justice' unless you have killed someone yourself and is not for me to say.  Here is an example for you. I had someone doing all these unnecessary things for me that I neither asked for nor wanted, BUT they said they were doing it to HELP ME.  Here is the kicker they never asked me if I needed help, or if I wanted any help they were just out of the goodness of their heart 'helping me'.  What they did actually made what I was doing more difficult and take longer.  I heard from someone recently that this same person received the same 'helpfulness' that they gave me, in the same manner in which I got mine.  They didn't ask for it, they didn't want it and they didn't appreciate it when they got it.  Now you know how I felt!!:D) See that is KARMA at its best!!!!

When you look at where you are and at where you could be, you should be THANKFUL every chance you get, with every breath you take.

Just my opinion.

See ya when I see ya!



1 comment:

  1. I am thankful, every chance I get, for friends like Mattie who write introspective blogs. There are lots of good people like you out there. Don't forget it and get discouraged.
    Love you Mattie!
