Sunday, February 17, 2013

Time Will Tell They Say....

Hello People!

How the heck is life treating you? I hope all is well with everyone and that life is treating you extremely fabulous!!!!

SO we are still working out the kinks and trying to figure out this new arrangement.  Lots of things have happened in this short time some good some bad....BUT I am sure more things are going to happen before its all said and done and I am sure that time will tell if this works out as good as I hope it does.  Sitting here wearing tonight's dinner on the front of my shirt I have to wonder when will the good times start to roll....

Sometimes things don't work out the way you plan but in time things work out the way they are suppose to work out, we are not in control no matter how had we try and God works things out in His own time.  In the meantime I hope that He gives me strength...not enough to kill just enough to deal with the situation.  Just kidding but the situation is trying especially when all I am trying to do is help someone who in my opinion clearly needs help.  I was thinking that this was going to be a piece of cake, I would swoop in take my niece she would be SO HAPPY and we would just meld into one big dysfunctional family!  We got the dysfunctional down now we are working on the happy part.

The teacher tells me that I am in the process of correcting 14 years of behavior so it is going to take some time to correct.  I am sure the staff member that was hit with the carton of chocolate milk is hoping that the corrective action being taken would warp speed up to the day when the behavior is corrected and everyone is happy. Well, me too.  BUT I will keep trying and keep praying and hoping that at sometime the good times start to roll and EVERYBODY is happy and healthy.

Tomorrow is a holiday for some and I am sure those who get to enjoy the three day weekend are looking forward to Monday....I am looking forward to Monday too, not because I have the day off but because it is a work day and I get a break.

It is past my bedtime so I gotta go...I will try to get back on here soon I have so much to say but not the time to say it in and the words are hard to come by these days.

Take care people......

See ya when I see ya!

 Peace! Mattie

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