Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why Are People So Easily Disregarded???...


How the heck are you doing? I hope this blog finds you well and in good health! You should be happy for everything that you have especially if you are able to walk, talk, have use of your limbs and able to tell the people around how you feel.

People are very fickle and self absorbed, and it is really sad when you think about it, no time for your fellow man 'it's all about me! What's in it for me!'

I have the Guardianship of my niece and she has been giving me fits since she has been here, I have had to put here in the Behavioral Health Unit because of her self imposed starvation 'diet'.  She has been sent home from school almost everyday since January when I got the Guardianship, for hitting the staff.  I guess I should be thankful she is hitting the adults and not the children, cause if you hit a grown person hard enough to bloody their nose...just imagine what that would of done to a child?! Wow! It is scary to think that one child, especially a handicapped child, can be that aggressive.  The Teacher and I have come to an agreement and worked out an Behavior plan where certain steps will be taken when she acts up in school.  Friday I went to her school and stayed with her thinking that would help, or so I could see what was going on since Thursday she bloodied the Teacher's Aide nose.  We go to school and wen to her first class, school was on a shortened cycle cause they were having an assembly that day. First class went rather smoothly, no incidents and she gets a Princess point for being good.  Second class, PE, we go outside and they walk around the track, do standing long jumps and softball throws.  She is playing and running and jumping around with the kids happy, smiling and laughing.  Next is lunch, she goes and gets her lunch and comes and sits at the table, she starts to eat and the rest of her class sits down around the table.  She gets up immediately and goes to throw her lunch in the garbage, she has only had one bite of it, I suggest she sit a the table I am STANDING next to.  She sits down and takes another bite, I am watching the kids in her class interact and eat their lunch along with the other kids that have descended upon the lunch room.  I decide I look pretty stupid standing up so I sit down, my mistake, NOW I really look stupid cause as soon as I sit down she throws her food in my lap. Why did you do that? A shrug of the shoulders and a blank stare.  Clean it up NOW! The teacher comes back to the table, cause I had asked about the YMCA after school program and she is shocked at what she sees.  She is now removed from the class for the rest of the lunch period. After lunch it is her job and one other students to pick up the dishes from the 'daycare' and take them upstairs and wash them.   She has a coughing attack which causes her to now be separated from the other student and Teacher's Aide, she coughs until she throws up.  She is taken to the nurse and given an icepack for her arm which she says hurts after having blood drawn that morning.  We go up to the kitchen to wash the dishes, this is the 'life skill' that they have chosen for her.  We get in the kitchen, she washes her hands, walks over to the dish rack holder (I don't know what its called) and she opens it pulls out a tray of dishes, looks at them and then turns around very calmly....very deliberately with the same blank stare and grabs the water hose from the ceiling and begins to hose down the Teacher's Aide!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! You are going to do that right in front of my face! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! We are DONE!!! Get your stuff let's go!!!!

Saturday is not any better, she gets up refuses to eat makes herself throw up and throws her food on the floor!  Pandemonium sets in...she is now on permanent for the rest of the day.  Gary and I start talking, actually yelling.  Gary says she needs to be put in an institution and just left there. Really?! And that will help who? Situations get tough or you get news that is not so good and people want to walk away and let somebody else deal with it and not take the time to try and help.  She is just trouble you should just get rid of her, they are going to kick her out of school and she is going to get you in trouble! Really.

It is really easy these days to let people and things go that are bothersome to us. You don't want a child abort it, even if you can't make that decision up until the day the BABY is being  delivered!  (Read this: Why the Media Blackout Over the Gosnell Trial? Daly Focus-online community- Focus on the family  This Society makes it all too easy to discard anything that is a problem, whether it is an actual problem or perceived ESPECIALLY when it comes to humans.  I see adds and posting all the time on Facebook about saving animals, dogs, cats, etc. PLEASE STOP ANIMAL ABUSE and the like is all over the media but aborting full term babies, what have you heard about that?  Nothing. Problem children...put them away, let somebody else worry about them, that would make your life so much easier and 'we could go back to the way we were'.  I had someone tell me about their cousin riding on a three wheeler and swerved to miss a dog that ran out in front of them. Upon swerving to miss the dog they hit a tree, the glass on the bike shattered a piece of which lodged between their tracheotomy and juggler, their teeth blew out their bottom lip and the list of things that happened went on and on. Thank GOD they are still alive.  I said to the person telling me this story, why didn't she just hit the dog? The look on the person's face said it all and sums up where our Society has gone.  The look was one that said, "I would rather she died than hit the dog!" That may not have been what they were thinking or even trying to communicate BUT that is what I saw in their face.   Sad when animals have become more important than human beings.

My niece has issues, correction ISSUES, there is no doubt about that and rather than perpetuate the issue and pass her off on someone else, why don't I see if I can help. Why don't I try to show her that somebody cares and is here for her no matter how hard she tries to push them away....yeah why don't we try that and see if that works.

My sister was saying that in the Bible you can read about Russia, Iran and Iraq but you don't read anything about the United States. I said that is because when the 'end' comes the United States will be the first thing blown off the map! And do you need to wonder why?

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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