Friday, July 13, 2012

It's All About Perspective

 Hello People!

How the heck are you doing? It has been a while since I have been on here but I am going to change that...Yeah I know I have said that before BUT watch and see.

SO what have you all been up to since the last time I was on here?! I hope life has been treating you well.

Let me tell you what I have found in my journeys.  Everything is all about perspective, it is all in the way you look at things.

My sister is mentally handicapped she is not severely handicapped but she does need help, when you think about we are all handicapped in some way BUT I already wrote about that.  ANYWAY, my sister lives with me and I take care of her as best as I can but I am always second guessing myself when it comes to her.  Her Doctor thinks I am crazy cause if I just THINK she is sick or something I take her in and tell him LOOK AT HER!!! He just shakes his head and says okay, there is nothing wrong with her she looks a hell of a lot better than some people that I have seen come in here...BUT if you want to her to have a x-ray, CT Scan...whatever I will write the request.  I am thankful that I have found a Doctor, Dentist, Gastroenterologist, etc. who are willing to care for my sister AND put up with me cause my pleases and thank yous are not always said.

Earlier this week we were driving into the 'big city' so that I could go to work and she could attend the day program that she goes to for Handicapped individuals.  By the way KUDOS to those people who work with the Handicapped, I know I take care of my sister but I am not sure I could do for others what I do for my sister. AND that's the TRUTH...TRUTH! But I digress.  We were driving in and since gas prices have been out of sight I have started carpooling.  Me and the lady I carpool with are chit chatting and my sister burst out laughing! I look around to see what she could be laughing at and I see nothing. So me and Vera go back to talking, and my sister starts hysterically laughing again.  I look around and I ask her 'what are you laughing at...' I know she is not going to answer but I ask the question just the same.  She finally stops laughing and Vera and I start talking again and then LAUGHTER just engulfs the car she won't stop laughing.  I said it again..'WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!!!!' She just shakes her head and smiles...I wonder sometimes what is going on in her mind.  Vera and I were bitching about work, the price of propane, gas, the need for a new car, blah blah blah...who knows which tangent we were on that morning, BUT to my sister it was the best morning ever!!!! Her eyes were sparkling, her smile was as bright as the sun that was trying to shine that day and NOTHING was wrong in her world.

I guess it is all in the way you look at things....she is incapable of doing some of the most basic things for herself, like dressing herself, picking out her clothes...making her own food, etc. BUT for her, not just that day but everyday is a GREAT DAY and laughter is just one of the ways she shows it.

Check your perspective and make sure you have a HAPPY one!!!

See ya when I see ya!
Peace! Mattie

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