Sunday, July 22, 2012

What Does It Matter If Someone Doesn't Support Your Issue

Hello People!

How the heck are you doing? I hope this post finds you well and hopefully this post will cause you to pause and think for a minute. Or maybe just piss you off either way if it sparks an emotion then my job is done.

I was looking at a posting on the ever popular 'social network' Facebook and it read "Chick-Fil-A's Anti Gay stance Costs Chain Business in Boston."  I thought well that is interesting because a company chooses to stand by its convictions it is now being penalized for having it's own opinion. WOW! How American?!

The story stated that the Mayor of Boston 'Vows to Block Chick Fil-A From Opening Restaurant After Anti Gay Remarks'. It went on to say that the Mayor of Boston was vowing to block Chick-Fil-A from opening a restaurant in the city after the company's president spoke out publicly against gay marriage.  Well HOW DARE THEY! Who said that Chick-Fil-A could have an opinion opposite of what is popular 'right now' and stand up for its Christian beliefs...HOW DARE THEY! I think everybody and their grandma knows that Chick-Fil-A was founded as a Christian based company who closed their stores on Sunday so that their employees could go to wherever they chose to worship.  I am sure everybody knows that.  So if the President of the company chooses to speak out on gay marriage does it really shock you what his position is, really? To act surprised regarding him being against Gay marriage, would be like being surprised that transvestites like wigs and high heels. There really should be no surprise there, what would be surprising would be if he was go against his Bible beliefs and say he is for Gay marriage, now that would be news worthy.  And had Dan Cathy, President of Chick-Fil-A went against his religious beliefs and came out for Gay marriage I am sure that would have been front page as well calling him a hypocrite.

Most Christians I think believe they are 'damned if they do and damned if they don't' in most all situations because if they try to support their friends or family in their issues and those issues are contrary to the Bible then they're hypocrites.  BUT if they speak out against their family and friends regarding their issues then their Christianity is in question, because as people are so quick to point out I don't think a 'God of love' would do what you are doing.  But what people fail to realize is that true Christians cannot talk out of both sides of their mouth, double talk is bitter to the palate. My question is why does everybody have to support your issue? Why does everybody have to be for 'Gay'? Gay rights, Gay marriage, Gay pride, Gay this, Gay that, why does everybody have to be for Gay everything or be turned against or mocked?  Seriously, is it necessary that everybody be in support of every Gay issue there is or be banished from the Earth.  Is it really that serious?

My understanding is, is that Gay people want to be treated like everybody else be able to do things that other people do, that is what I understand to be their biggest complaint.  Well here is my biggest complaint about Gay people.  Unless you tell someone you are Gay, how do they know?  You don't have to wonder when you see an African American/Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc., if they are African American/Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc., you know on SIGHT of them what they are.  BUT unless you tell me you are gay, how would I know? AND most importantly why would I care?  If you want to be treated like everybody else and want to be able to just be yourself, then why are you trying so hard to be as obnoxious/flamboyant as possible and to shove who you are down everybody's throat? When is Heterosexual Pride day? When do heterosexuals get to demand the right to add their lovers, you know the person they are sleeping with that is not their wife or husband, onto their insurances and claim them as dependents? I am sure my examples seem asinine to you, but to me, you trying to make a big deal about a Christian based company not supporting Gay marriage is asinine.

What does it matter if someone doesn't support your issue, do they have to?  If you are convinced that what you are fighting for is right then by all-means you have the right to defend it. BUT just because someone else has an opposite opinion regarding your issue does not make them wrong, it makes them human just like you. If Dan Cathy President of Chick-Fil-A, chooses to exercise his right to have his own opinion about an issue, AND his opinion happens to coincide with his beliefs, who are you to penalize him for that? Is this America the land of the FREE? Or is this America home of the Gays and if you are not one or support their issues, then we don't want you here? I thought this was America, land of the FREE home of the BRAVE, and since we are FREE we should be BRAVE in that freedom to stand up for what we believe and not be penalized for doing so.

For the record, my nephew is Gay and I have/had friends that are Gay. I personally don't have a heaven or a hell to put anyone in so it is not for me to judge. I love my nephew and my friends just the same, BUT if me believing what the Bible says on this issue is a problem for them, then let me tell you like this.  I believe what the Bible says all day everyday, I am not going to judge you or try to make you believe what I believe. AND just as I am willing to give you that respect I should get the same respect in return. If you want people to accept you for who you are then you should be willing to do the same.

 See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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