Sunday, March 4, 2012

How are you doing....

SO...Hello People!

How the heck are you doing?  I hope this blog finds you well.  I have said time and time again that I am going to start blogging more, but then I never do. So this is my attempt to try to keep myself from being a liar.  I had an urge to blog a few weeks ago, when Whitney Houston passed away.  There were so many things being said about her, the situation no matter how you look it is just sad.  BUT now hopefully she is at peace and the rest of us need to keep it moving.

Nothing has really got me fired up lately to the point where I feel the need to write about it, writing to me is a feeling along with having something to say. When you have something to say and you NEED to say it that is when your writing is the best. 

I am sure I will be fired up about something soon and then I will be off and writing.  Until then I just stopped by to say you are AWESOME.  If nobody is telling you that then you are not hanging around the right people.

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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