Saturday, July 9, 2011

Writer's Block

Hello People!

How the heck are you doing?

I am falling WAY behind in my resolution to write a blog every week....I have things to say but I find I just say them to myself and wonder why nobody gets it...just kidding! I do talk to myself a lot which I think is a sign of genius or crazy, I'll get back to you on which one it turns out to be.

I haven't been paying attention to the news I try to avoid watching it actually at all costs as there is never anything good to be said. Children are starving in places across the world, the United States included, wars, rumors of wars, violence in the streets (the United States included), unemployment, homelessness and on an on...WOW! People will no doubt begin to envy the dead as they are no longer here and a part of the atrocities that are going on... they have 'no worries'!

I have a book that I need to write not necessarily for publishing sake, but for the sake of purging, there are some things I need to get out. I am told that once you write down something it frees you in a sense, you have gotten it out of your system and now you can move on. Is it that simple? And if it is that simple then everyone should be writing/journaling/purging.

I have lots to say but I can't seem to get it on the page...I look at people and things and think that is a story right there. But the script plays out in my head and never makes it to the page. I have to work on getting it on the page and out of my system. When I finish this blog I am going to pick up on the book I started writing and see if I can knock out a chapter or two before the little bunny in the corner catches my attention and I am off to do something.

True writers write....I have the gift of writing just not the concentration to get it done.

Oh look a bunny...................

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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