Sunday, May 29, 2011

I am still here.....

Hey People! I know you thought I was gone but I am still here!!! I have been busy the past couple of weekends so I didn't get a chance to get on here and talk to you!

A couple of weeks ago we went to Monument Valley for our anniversary.....10 years of Holy matrimony! LOVELY!!!! It hasn't been all roses and sunshine I think it is a daily give and take but we are still together 10 years later. WOW who knew. I would have never guessed it, I would have put money on one of us doing time or something... Just kidding!!!:D)

Anyway Monument Valley was amazing, I don't know what was more awesome the views or the stories being told by the guide we had when we went down into the Valley. I was thinking about my dad when we were on our guided tour, I was thinking that he probably would have liked to have seen what we were seeing. BUT my dad is not here now and I wonder if he has traveled through time and space to different places that he perhaps would have liked to have seen when he was living, but didn't get a chance to or couldn't afford to do while he was alive.

Do you believe that when you die your spirit can travel to different places here on earth or even to the moon if that is where you want to go? I wonder. I wonder if you can still visit places and see things when you are no longer in your earthly body? We all know that the body is just a temporary shelter and that when you die your soul and spirit are set free. If you could travel anywhere you wanted to go, where would you go? There are a lot of places that I would love to see while I am yet alive BUT there are some places I do know if I will see, cause 18 hours in a plane just does not appeal to me.....although they do make pills for just such an event. I think we should all take the opportunity to see these United States and then expand out to other places, like Brazil....Jamaica....Africa....France....Italy....Greece....I have a friend who just came back from Italy, I think it would be interesting to see other cultures and experience their food, their sports and how they live....where would you go if you could go anywhere you wanted to go????

Travel safely.....

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

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