Sunday, May 8, 2011


Hey People! How are you doing?

I was thinking all day what could I blog about today since it is Mother's Day....I was thinking about the different kinds of mothers people have, good mothers, bad mothers, indifferent mothers, mothers who are no longer here and those mothers who have checked out and left their kids to fend for themselves. AND now-a-days there are fathers who are taking on the role of mothers. Interesting times we are in....BUT right now I am going to go out on a limb and tell a story of a friend of mine who is a mother, and who asked me when she was pregnant if I would be her coach for the birth, and she allowed me to be there when her child was born. AWESOME! I don't have any children so this was the closest I was coming to experiencing this truly BLESSED event. This is how the story goes.....

SO my friend comes to me and she says to me very timidly, "I am pregnant". Dead silence, then I say to her THAT'S GREAT! I think, do you want to be pregnant? OF COURSE! Cool... SO her pregnancy progresses and as time goes on she calls me and she says she is taking birthing classes and she needs a coach. I said SURE I would be happy to be the coach. We start the classes and they are typical classes that everyone has heard about....they teach you to breathe, and to focus and what to expect when you are in the delivery room. Well let's just say that things did not happen in our delivery room like most people. At least I am assuming this is the case since I have never been in a delivery room before I am pretty sure this is not what usually goes on. BUT back to the classes...during one of the classes the instructor tells us that the coaches, are responsible for keeping the mother comfortable and calm and as relaxed as possible, so that she can stay focused on her peaceful place and pushing. RIGHT! So part of doing this is taking a sock that is filled with tennis balls and rubbing them up and down on the back of the mother, sort of massaging her, or rubbing their legs or rubbing whatever is bothering them. I look at my friend and she looks at me and we say at the same time, "I am not touching you like that..." and she is saying "you ain't touching me like that..." and we both start laughing! Classes were cool and the information was good, but it turns out I didn't need any of it. Then the time comes for the baby to be born....

I get a call one morning from my friend's mother, and she tells me they are at the hospital and it is time for me to come over. I get there and go in and my friend is hooked up to these machines monitoring her pressure, heart rate and her contractions. My friend is asleep...I think this is kind of strange since she is having contractions according to the monitors. I asked her mom what was going on and she told me that they have been in and out of the hospital all night and that my friend is just worn out! WOW! So my friend wakes up and she looks at me and she says, "I feel like I have to push get the nurse...." I go out the room and tell the nurse that she wants to push and the nurse says "well we'll just see about that sometimes they think that but its not time." The nurse comes in and she lifts the sheet up...she doesn't say anything but the look on her face says..."OH SHIT!" She goes out of the room in a hurry and then there is a flurry of activity, the doctor comes in and everybody is moving fast but it seems to be slow motion. My friend's mom is in the room and she is trying to get out but there is no time for that now she is stuck in the room for the birth of her grandchild. COOL!

My friend starts pushing we do the count and she lays back down....waiting for the next contraction and the next time to push. I am wiping her forehead and giving her ice chips so I am not really paying attention to what is going on...until I try to give her the ice chips and I notice she is asleep. I look at her mom and I said she is sleeping in the middle of her delivery she is asleep...who does that?! Turns out that my friend had come down with a bronchitis just prior to going into labor. Since she was coughing so much the doctors had told her that the hard coughing was causing her to have contractions, but she was not really in labor. They gave her some cough medicine with codeine to calm the cough and easy the pain. They also gave her some other kind of pills or medicine to stop the contractions and sent her home, only for her to come back later that night with the same pain and coughing. When they finally decided she was in labor they gave her MORE medicine for the labor pains.

Now my friend is in labor and this is how the labor goes... contraction hits...she WAKES UP sits up and pushes for the count and then falls back and goes to SLEEP! Contraction hits....she WAKES UP sits up pushes and then falls back and goes to SLEEP! She basically slept through the delivery. I was always told that labor was the most incredible pain you could ever experience, NO MAN would live through it, and some women die during it....but my friend would sleep. Now granted she was drugged up with the different medicines they had given her, but it was just unbelievable to me that she could sleep through this....WOW! It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen, to witness the birth of a child. I was trying my best not to look but the doctor had glasses on and you could see the whole thing in his glasses. INCREDIBLE! A little baby girl was born....eighteen years ago and now she is graduating from high school. CONGRATULATIONS mom! Congratulations baby girl!


See ya when I see ya!Peace! Mattie

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